I'm just a normal mom. I'm loving, living, laughing, & learning my way through this crazy world. My world consists of my son, my hubby, my great family, all of my crazy projects, & of course my life lessons. Hang out, become a friend, & enjoy the LIFE OF A NORMAL MOM.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Lose it!!
So I had been doing pretty well on my "diet". By "diet" I simply mean trying to watch what I eat & not over eating. I got to hang out with my very best friend this weekend & she commented that it looked like I had lost some weight:) (that's only one of the reasons I love her) anyway, I heard that & my body said "hey you are doing great go on a bad food binge"!!! SERIOUSLY..why does my will power disappear completely. I wasn't horrible, but I was far from great. So here I sit typing this post hoping for a better tomorrow.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Do you ever just get tired of emotions? WAIT..if there are any men reading this blog I apologize in advance this a true post aimed towards women, sorry!
Okay, back to my original question as a woman/mother/wife/friend/coworker/employee/daughter/sister/aunt the list goes on & on are you ever just tired of all the emotions? Last night I had zumba, I love that class! I absolutely love to dance & since this incorporates "exercise" it makes it even better. However, I left the class & went to pick up a pizza (NOT FOR ME, for my hubby) and it wasn't ready. Now I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually don't have an issue with waiting. But the girl was moving SOOOO slow & when I asked about our pizza she said it was their "rush time" so it would be a few minutes. Perhaps if she had been moving a little quicker to get things done I wouldn't have been so irritated. Needless to say I displayed my frustration & left in hopes that I could go home & my husband would come back into town & get the pizza.
My husband who never misses an opportunity to get out & "drive around" looking for wildlife decided I could just wait around in town for it, he would stay home. REALLY!!! I just wanted to go home & shower. Anyway I got the pizza, which I was proud of myself, I did not eat 1 piece. But on the way home I cried, I was listening to our Christian radio station & the song "Glorious Day" came on. (I think that is the title, lyrics are "one day He's coming, oh glorious day") Why did I cry??? I have no idea. I was tired, stressed, anxious, happy, sad, you name it I was pretty much feeling it.
I could list all the woes of my life right now & some people would read them & think well my problems aren't too bad & others would think girl, I would love to have those problems versus the ones I have. I know that I am very blessed & very lucky to have the life I have. Sometimes though a lot of little things accumulate into one big thing & it's exhausting. However, I am trying to get better at not "worrying" but instead having "faith" that God has a plan & knows exactly what I am suppose to be doing. A quote I read somewhere says "worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but you don't go anywhere". My mom is a "reformed" worrier (she still struggles but has made huge progress) she always tells me that was a trait she wishes she hadn't passed on to me. I think as a mother though once a child has part of your heart whether through birth or adoption you inherit some extra cells in your body called the "worry cells".
I know God has a plan & will make sure that I am provided for, but sometimes it's hard to have faith and not worry about that (especially if you are like me & need to be in control). I think that pretty much wraps my emotional ramble. Sorry for any & all who have read this & are confused. Sometimes though you just have to vent. As I'm typing I am asking myself another question "have I prayed about it as much as I've talked about it". I would love to say yes, but I know & God knows that probably isn't very accurate. So off I go for a little prayer time.
Okay, back to my original question as a woman/mother/wife/friend/coworker/employee/daughter/sister/aunt the list goes on & on are you ever just tired of all the emotions? Last night I had zumba, I love that class! I absolutely love to dance & since this incorporates "exercise" it makes it even better. However, I left the class & went to pick up a pizza (NOT FOR ME, for my hubby) and it wasn't ready. Now I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually don't have an issue with waiting. But the girl was moving SOOOO slow & when I asked about our pizza she said it was their "rush time" so it would be a few minutes. Perhaps if she had been moving a little quicker to get things done I wouldn't have been so irritated. Needless to say I displayed my frustration & left in hopes that I could go home & my husband would come back into town & get the pizza.
My husband who never misses an opportunity to get out & "drive around" looking for wildlife decided I could just wait around in town for it, he would stay home. REALLY!!! I just wanted to go home & shower. Anyway I got the pizza, which I was proud of myself, I did not eat 1 piece. But on the way home I cried, I was listening to our Christian radio station & the song "Glorious Day" came on. (I think that is the title, lyrics are "one day He's coming, oh glorious day") Why did I cry??? I have no idea. I was tired, stressed, anxious, happy, sad, you name it I was pretty much feeling it.
I could list all the woes of my life right now & some people would read them & think well my problems aren't too bad & others would think girl, I would love to have those problems versus the ones I have. I know that I am very blessed & very lucky to have the life I have. Sometimes though a lot of little things accumulate into one big thing & it's exhausting. However, I am trying to get better at not "worrying" but instead having "faith" that God has a plan & knows exactly what I am suppose to be doing. A quote I read somewhere says "worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but you don't go anywhere". My mom is a "reformed" worrier (she still struggles but has made huge progress) she always tells me that was a trait she wishes she hadn't passed on to me. I think as a mother though once a child has part of your heart whether through birth or adoption you inherit some extra cells in your body called the "worry cells".
I know God has a plan & will make sure that I am provided for, but sometimes it's hard to have faith and not worry about that (especially if you are like me & need to be in control). I think that pretty much wraps my emotional ramble. Sorry for any & all who have read this & are confused. Sometimes though you just have to vent. As I'm typing I am asking myself another question "have I prayed about it as much as I've talked about it". I would love to say yes, but I know & God knows that probably isn't very accurate. So off I go for a little prayer time.
Okay everyone, I tried the crock pot lasagna. It was a SUCCESS!! I put success in caps because my husband not only ate it, but he took some leftovers to work for the next day. For those that don't know my husband he is not a liar (even when it would be better for him to tell a little white lie, especially when it comes to my cooking) and is honest about whether or not he likes a new recipe I try. Now I know some of you are thinking it is better for him to be truthful & I guess it is. BUT I don't like to cook nor do I really know how to cook (I thought a clove of garlic was the whole big chunk of garlic you get at the store, not the smaller pieces you break off), so if/when I try it, it is usually because I'm excited about a new recipe. Then when my hubby & son don't like it my hopes are dashed & it gives me one more reason why I don't cook. Anyway, this recipe was SO easy & it only took me a few minutes to throw together. (I had browned my hamburger the night before) I panicked a little when I seen that it was only supposed to be on low for 4 hours!! I work from 8-4:30 & I typically leave my house at around 7:15. Then I read where she puts it on high while she is getting ready & then on warm the rest of the day. I did it & it worked PERFECT!! My only complaint was one layer of noodles tasted a little mushy, but it was only the one layer so I'm not sure what that was all about. Anyway, I will definitely be making that meal again.
So back to the recipe, I pinned it off Pinterest & it came from www.creatingthroughlife.blogspot.com
Here is the original recipe:
So back to the recipe, I pinned it off Pinterest & it came from www.creatingthroughlife.blogspot.com
Here is the original recipe:
Crock-Pot Lasagna 
1 lb. ground beef
29 oz can tomato sauce
8 oz pkg. lasagna noodles, uncooked
4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cups cottage cheese
1. Spray the inside of the crock-pot with cooking spray
2. Brown the ground beef
3. Stir the tomato sauce in with the ground beef
4. Spread 1/4 of the meat sauce on the bottom of the crock-pot
5. Arrange 1/3 of the uncooked noodles over the sauce (I usually break them up so they fit better)
6. Combine the cheeses in a bowl. Spoon 1/3 of the cheeses over the noodles.
7. Repeat these layers twice
8. Top with remaining sauce
9. Cover and cook on low for 4hrs (I've started the crock-pot on high in the morning before I leave for work and then put it on warm when I leave and it's perfect when I get home)
10. Let the lasagna stand in the crock-pot with the lid off for at least 10 minutes
* Variations *
1. Add chopped onion and garlic to the ground beef in step 2
2. Use Italian sausage in place of ground beef or with ground beef
3. Add 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese to the cheese mixture. Replace cottage cheese with Ricotta.
4. Add 1/2 cup additional shredded mozzarella cheese to the top of lasagna 5 minutes before serving
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Wow, I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post. Here I go with my updates:
Wisdom teeth: A thorn in my side & a pain in my hubby's mouth. He had 2 removed, one was easy-peasy, the other of course was difficult!! So not only was it difficult he ended up with a dry socket & still hasn't healed completely. Now, I had all 4 of mine removed & ended up with 2 dry sockets & I don't remember being nearly as whiny as he is. Bless his heart, he is getting better though:)
Puppy Power: We have a new puppy, her name is Pixie. (not my hubby's idea of a good name for a dog) Oh well, my son & I won that argument. She is adorable, and I really think she will be a good dog. But she is in the puppy stage so she does a lot of biting & jumping. My son, who I thought would like her since she is still a "little" puppy, doesn't really want to be near her. He likes to talk to her & see her, but doesn't want to pet her. My hope is that as she mellows out & becomes better trained he will enjoy her more.
Organization: I am the most Unorganized/Organized person I know. To look at my desk/scrapbook room/closet you would think I wouldn't know where anything is. But I actually (for the most part) know where things are. With that being said I like the idea of organization & love pinning stuff on Pinterest that relate to it. (feel free to follow me on Pinterest at jsmith22believe@gmail.com) My problem is my follow through. So I revised my Home Management Folder again. (this is the 3rd time) I will say that this time my friend found some really good print outs, that I think will be helpful. I also did some spring cleaning this past weekend & cleaned out some stuff, it does feel good to get rid of "STUFF". One of my favorite quotes "organized people are just too lazy to look for it".
Sandbox: Okay, if you are like me you had a sandbox as a kid. Now I was lucky & had a huge sandbox that my swingset sat in...I didn't have a little turtle one with a lid. I remember playing out there & building castles & villages and such. So I wanted a sandbox for my son. My husband wanted one like the little turtle that we could cover up so the cats didn't use it as a litter box. I get that, but I wanted a big one that my son, nephews, neighbor boys all of them could play in it together. My solution was he could build a lid. Well, long story short, I got my way, we didn't make a lid b/c we no longer have cats (we live in the country & they fall victim to traffic) & my son is IN LOVE!! We made this last summer for his birthday & unfortunately IL was quite warm last summer & there were several days it was TOO HOT to play in the sand that had been in the sun all day. However, now that the weather is getting nice again he is out there almost every evening, digging, building, dumping, shoveling....CREATING!! I love watching his little mind work as he creates. So whether you live in a city & don't have space for a large sandbox, a turtle will do. or if you are blessed to live in the country, like me, get your kid a sandbox. The will love it.
****NOTE****From many years of daycare if your child is still in diapers and sand gets on their bottom put baby powder on them & brush it off. Works WAY better then trying to wash it off.
Boston: I don't really like to talk about things that are so sad, but sometimes you just have to. My thoughts & prayers are with all the victims & families that have suffered because of the horrific events at the Boston Marathon. I have never been much of a news junkie, even before my mornings were Mickey Mouse & Chugginton, I still didn't watch much news. Mainly because it is usually depressing & I don't like to start my day off that way. That being said, my computer had the live feed going all day Friday as they were on the manhunt. I know I have said this before, but I don't know if it is because I am older, or because I have a child, or maybe just because I am more aware. These horrific events really get to me. I had Dr. Phil on DVR during the Sandy Hook shootings & I still haven't been able to watch those shows. I just start crying. I would love it if we never see another horrific event/tragedy like Boston or Sandy Hook ever again, but I know that probably isn't going to happen. The only thing we can do is pray & stay strong for those who are directly affected.
On a more positive note I tried a new recipe today "Crockpot Lasagna". I am anxious to get home & try it. If it is a success I will be sure to update you. Happy Blogging!!
Wisdom teeth: A thorn in my side & a pain in my hubby's mouth. He had 2 removed, one was easy-peasy, the other of course was difficult!! So not only was it difficult he ended up with a dry socket & still hasn't healed completely. Now, I had all 4 of mine removed & ended up with 2 dry sockets & I don't remember being nearly as whiny as he is. Bless his heart, he is getting better though:)
Puppy Power: We have a new puppy, her name is Pixie. (not my hubby's idea of a good name for a dog) Oh well, my son & I won that argument. She is adorable, and I really think she will be a good dog. But she is in the puppy stage so she does a lot of biting & jumping. My son, who I thought would like her since she is still a "little" puppy, doesn't really want to be near her. He likes to talk to her & see her, but doesn't want to pet her. My hope is that as she mellows out & becomes better trained he will enjoy her more.
Organization: I am the most Unorganized/Organized person I know. To look at my desk/scrapbook room/closet you would think I wouldn't know where anything is. But I actually (for the most part) know where things are. With that being said I like the idea of organization & love pinning stuff on Pinterest that relate to it. (feel free to follow me on Pinterest at jsmith22believe@gmail.com) My problem is my follow through. So I revised my Home Management Folder again. (this is the 3rd time) I will say that this time my friend found some really good print outs, that I think will be helpful. I also did some spring cleaning this past weekend & cleaned out some stuff, it does feel good to get rid of "STUFF". One of my favorite quotes "organized people are just too lazy to look for it".
Sandbox: Okay, if you are like me you had a sandbox as a kid. Now I was lucky & had a huge sandbox that my swingset sat in...I didn't have a little turtle one with a lid. I remember playing out there & building castles & villages and such. So I wanted a sandbox for my son. My husband wanted one like the little turtle that we could cover up so the cats didn't use it as a litter box. I get that, but I wanted a big one that my son, nephews, neighbor boys all of them could play in it together. My solution was he could build a lid. Well, long story short, I got my way, we didn't make a lid b/c we no longer have cats (we live in the country & they fall victim to traffic) & my son is IN LOVE!! We made this last summer for his birthday & unfortunately IL was quite warm last summer & there were several days it was TOO HOT to play in the sand that had been in the sun all day. However, now that the weather is getting nice again he is out there almost every evening, digging, building, dumping, shoveling....CREATING!! I love watching his little mind work as he creates. So whether you live in a city & don't have space for a large sandbox, a turtle will do. or if you are blessed to live in the country, like me, get your kid a sandbox. The will love it.
****NOTE****From many years of daycare if your child is still in diapers and sand gets on their bottom put baby powder on them & brush it off. Works WAY better then trying to wash it off.
Boston: I don't really like to talk about things that are so sad, but sometimes you just have to. My thoughts & prayers are with all the victims & families that have suffered because of the horrific events at the Boston Marathon. I have never been much of a news junkie, even before my mornings were Mickey Mouse & Chugginton, I still didn't watch much news. Mainly because it is usually depressing & I don't like to start my day off that way. That being said, my computer had the live feed going all day Friday as they were on the manhunt. I know I have said this before, but I don't know if it is because I am older, or because I have a child, or maybe just because I am more aware. These horrific events really get to me. I had Dr. Phil on DVR during the Sandy Hook shootings & I still haven't been able to watch those shows. I just start crying. I would love it if we never see another horrific event/tragedy like Boston or Sandy Hook ever again, but I know that probably isn't going to happen. The only thing we can do is pray & stay strong for those who are directly affected.
On a more positive note I tried a new recipe today "Crockpot Lasagna". I am anxious to get home & try it. If it is a success I will be sure to update you. Happy Blogging!!
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