Well a lot has happened...or should I say not happened since my last post.
1. I AM HORRIBLE w/ EXERCISE!! I have not been doing much at all.
2. My son has decided that he would rather watch Aladdin, play games, or sneak behind furniture & pee his pants then go to the restroom. Thankfully this has only happened a few times, but he was doing so well I'm not sure why he is going backwards. Oh well, he is still doing pretty great for 2 1/2:)
3. The women's conference that I put together went GREAT! God tells us not to worry & to trust in him. You would think putting together a conference for GOD you would be able to do that...I wish it was that easy. But as usual all my worrying was a waste b/c the event was great. We had amazing speakers & great worship, as well as really yummy food. One of the women who spoke has a fairly new outreach called Mighty Strong Girls. If you have daughters, nieces, cousins, even if you know young girls definitely check out their website: www.mightystronggirls.com. Their mission is to help girls receive a positive image about themselves & that what they see in the media is not reality.
4. Before I tell my next story I should say that I am not a violent person nor do I take domestic violence lightly. With that being said the other night I smacked my husband in the face, in my sleep. I am a very vivid dreamer as well as what I would call an "active sleeper". The other night I woke up & he was holding my arm above his face, I was really confused so I yanked my arm away, rolled over & went back to sleep. According to my husband he was in a dead sleep when I smacked him pretty hard right in the face & drug my nails across. My husband said he thought he was being attacked. When he realized it was me he was angry. (did he really think I would do that on purpose) I should also note that this was around 3:45am, my hubby gets up at 4. So everyone knows how much it stinks to get woke up before you alarm goes off. Then when he got up he went to the mirror & there were red marks on his face. I apologized & I really don't remember any of it. His response "I don't care what you have to do, get counseling, do something about your sleeping". I will also add this isn't the first time my husband has suffered injury at the hands of me from my crazy dreams. I'm really shocked he hasn't got a separate bed yet:)
5. I cleaned out my fridge yesterday & can I just say it's amazing what you find. Needless to say it looks much better now, but a little bare.
6. I would love to start my own business, where I do nothing but other peoples errands. How nice would it be if you could call someone & say I need groceries picked up, my dry cleaning dropped off, & the leaves raked in my yard. I could set my own hours, get my own errands done while doing others, & be able to work from home. OH TO DREAM!
7. I think my husband & I had a mental block because we got my son a puppy. Her name is Pixie & she is soooo CUTE! (pics to come soon) However, she is a puppy who bites everything & pees on the floor. I thought potty training my son was hard. Let me back up though & explain why we got this dog. My son has never really been raised around a dog. We had a hunting dog when he was little but that dog stayed in a kennel, my sister has dogs but they live in town so they are typically in a pen. My parents don't have a dog. My in-laws do have a dog (that I got them) who is a 110lb lab that is CRAZY!! So to say my son doesn't like dogs is an understatement, he is afraid of them. He likes looking at them & talking to them, but doesn't want them near him. So I thought if we got a puppy he would do better with it b/c the dog would be smaller than him. Well he loves her & cries if he doesn't get to see her or doesn't know where she is...BUT he doesn't want to pet her unless we are holding her & you can forget about playing on the floor with her. Last night we did walk around the yard with her & he did pretty well. It's going to take time, but I hope they become best friends!
With all that being said February has flown by but the cold weather remains. I am so ready for spring.
I agree, February FLEW by. It is so hard to exercise in the winter. I think it will be easier when the weather gets warmer. I would LOVE to have someone else do all my errands. That is such a great idea. I wanted to tell you about the Greek Yogurt, if you want to try it again, try the Blood Orange Chobani. I'm all about buying generic to save, but that's the only one I have found that I actually like! :)