SUNSHINE: I love it!! I love that feeling of being warmed by the sun. The hardest part about my job is that I am inside all day, I have a window, but it doesn't open. So I wait until the end of the day & I go to my car & roll the windows down. Now don't get me wrong there are days where I can't get into an air conditioned place fast enough, but generally speaking I love me some sunshine.
LIP BALM: Why am I typing about lip balm you may ask?? Well I want you to be aware of just how awesome the Burt's Beeswax lip balm is. By far the best stuff ever. PS: I do not work for nor do I get free stuff from Burt's Bees. However that would be really cool if they sent me some stuff..hint hint;)
STUFF: How in the world does one person accumulate so much stuff? My parents built a house & in the process of packing, unpacking, & pitching my mother said that every human should be forced every 7 years or so to pack all their belongings drive around the block & then unpack. I really think this is a great idea. I have been slowly putting stuff in a bedroom & this stuff is labeled "yard sale". The only problem is I haven't had a yard sale yet & I am running out of room. Hopefully this weekend I can go through even more stuff & get going on a yard sale. I want this stuff gone, the longer it sticks around the more attached I become. (side note: I am one of those weird people who have an emotional attachment to just about everything I own, sad..but true)
SERVICE: So my sister just took me out for lunch:) The food was good & being with my sister was even better. BUT our service not so great. It wasn't terrible, trust me I have had worse, but it was just service. They did their job nothing more nothing less. What happened to service with a smile?? Now before people tell me how difficult it can be in the food industry...I know. I worked in the food industry as a cashier, server, busser, name it I pretty much did it from 15-21yrs old. So I understand that you sometimes just have bad days & that people can be really RUDE. But please from a former food worker to another try to not let your bad day rub off on someone who didn't cause it. END RANT!
Anyway, there are some words for Wednesday & some thoughts for you to ponder. Also I am doing my best to better at this blog so hang in there with me. A special thanks to my 7 followers...I know it says 8 but somehow I managed to follow my own blog & can't get that deleted. Computers are not my forte.
happy day--jenn
I'm just a normal mom. I'm loving, living, laughing, & learning my way through this crazy world. My world consists of my son, my hubby, my great family, all of my crazy projects, & of course my life lessons. Hang out, become a friend, & enjoy the LIFE OF A NORMAL MOM.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Weekend Wrap up
Well I hope everyone had a GREAT Memorial day weekend. Mine was uneventful, but good. Saturday my son & I went with my mother-in-law to a town called Arthur. Arthur is a largely Amish community with some neat little shops & a really yummy restaurant. I was a little nervous b/c this was going to be a pretty long drive for my son. He did GREAT..actually better than great b/c for an almost 3 year old he was content most of the way there & slept most of the way back. Although it was rainy most of the day we had fun listening to my son's vocabulary. Example: he told me when he gets big he is going to drive a bus & I will sit in the front seat w/ him & he was naming all the places we would go. So I asked when are we leaving, his response "I already told you once, I'm not telling you again". Seriously that was direct quote, my mother-in-law & I just looked at each other & burst out laughing. Really where do they get this stuff??? I also had fun catching up & having "grown up talk" with my mother-in-law. I must say that I am very blessed to have an amazing mother-in-law. Some people are not so lucky & she jokes b/c her friends will comment that she is lucky to have a great daughter-in-law b/c apparently they can't say the same. I love my mother-in-law to pieces and although there are times she drives me crazy or we don't agree on something I still wouldn't trade her for the world.
Sunday was another fun laid back day. My hubby had to work:( but the neighbor boy came over & played with my little guy & they had a blast. There is roughly a 3 year age gap between them, but they can play together for hours & never have a problem.
The best part of my weekend (you mother's will understand) was I got to take an uninterrupted 2 hour nap!!! Did you catch that, 2 hours. It was heavenly. My son went to my parents house to play & although I wasn't sure when they were bringing him back I took advantage of an empty house & a cozy bed. It has been a long time since I have had a nap, and I really don't understand why my son dislikes them, they are great.
The worst part of the weekend was the scale. That's right I said in one of my previous posts that I would probably jinx myself by saying anything & sure enough. Let's hope that this week is better.
so until next time....
Sunday was another fun laid back day. My hubby had to work:( but the neighbor boy came over & played with my little guy & they had a blast. There is roughly a 3 year age gap between them, but they can play together for hours & never have a problem.
The best part of my weekend (you mother's will understand) was I got to take an uninterrupted 2 hour nap!!! Did you catch that, 2 hours. It was heavenly. My son went to my parents house to play & although I wasn't sure when they were bringing him back I took advantage of an empty house & a cozy bed. It has been a long time since I have had a nap, and I really don't understand why my son dislikes them, they are great.
The worst part of the weekend was the scale. That's right I said in one of my previous posts that I would probably jinx myself by saying anything & sure enough. Let's hope that this week is better.
so until next time....
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Words for Wednesday/ Thoughts for Thursday
Okay I realize it is Thursday, but if you knew the last 36hrs of my life you would understand..nothing bad, just a little chaotic. Anyway Words for Wednesday or Thoughts for Thursday..take your pick.
HOPE- Webster's Dictionary defines hope as the following: to cherish a desire with anticipation. Hope is mentioned several times throughout the Bible. And hope tends to be a word that comes up during conversations when someone is in crisis. "don't give up hope" ect. I really feel that regardless of your faith, religion, circumstance, environment. Everyone at some point or another has had hope & felt like they lost hope. Hope is always there, there is always hope for a better tomorrow, a better day, the list goes on & on. However in a time of despair, chaos, or just sadness it is easy to lose sight of it & think we have lost all hope. However, with hope, usually comes.............
HAPPINESS- I love this word..I mean it's hard to say without smiling. Happiness comes in all forms & some SEEM to have more than others. Notice I say SEEM...others may think they have more happiness than the person next to them, but in reality maybe they are very happy in their own way. It always amazes me that you can take a person who on the outside seems to have it all family, friends, finances, ect & they seem to be happy. However if you really start watching or paying attention to the things they say & do they may not be as happy as they seem. It is not our place to judge some one's happiness, but instead try to be the person that brings others happiness.
PATIENCE- I discussed this earlier in the week w/ my mother. Patience is not a virtue of mine. I try but to no avail. I usually start out w/ great intentions, such as today I am going to breathe deep & when someone upsets me I will breathe deeper & move on. Or when things aren't going as quickly as I would like I will stop myself & remember that life moves fast enough, no reason to rush it. As I'm typing this I am "patiently" (note the sarcasm) waiting for Friday evening to get here!!
happy Blogging y'all
HOPE- Webster's Dictionary defines hope as the following: to cherish a desire with anticipation. Hope is mentioned several times throughout the Bible. And hope tends to be a word that comes up during conversations when someone is in crisis. "don't give up hope" ect. I really feel that regardless of your faith, religion, circumstance, environment. Everyone at some point or another has had hope & felt like they lost hope. Hope is always there, there is always hope for a better tomorrow, a better day, the list goes on & on. However in a time of despair, chaos, or just sadness it is easy to lose sight of it & think we have lost all hope. However, with hope, usually comes.............
HAPPINESS- I love this word..I mean it's hard to say without smiling. Happiness comes in all forms & some SEEM to have more than others. Notice I say SEEM...others may think they have more happiness than the person next to them, but in reality maybe they are very happy in their own way. It always amazes me that you can take a person who on the outside seems to have it all family, friends, finances, ect & they seem to be happy. However if you really start watching or paying attention to the things they say & do they may not be as happy as they seem. It is not our place to judge some one's happiness, but instead try to be the person that brings others happiness.
PATIENCE- I discussed this earlier in the week w/ my mother. Patience is not a virtue of mine. I try but to no avail. I usually start out w/ great intentions, such as today I am going to breathe deep & when someone upsets me I will breathe deeper & move on. Or when things aren't going as quickly as I would like I will stop myself & remember that life moves fast enough, no reason to rush it. As I'm typing this I am "patiently" (note the sarcasm) waiting for Friday evening to get here!!
happy Blogging y'all
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Sadness is all I can use to describe how I felt last night watching the news. My prayers are with all of those involved in the Oklahoma tornado tragedy & all those whose family or friends are involved. I cannot imagine so much devastation in such a short time frame. My prayer is that those who are still missing are able to found, that parents are able to reunited with their children, & families are able to find a place to start picking up the pieces.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Words for Wednesday
How are those for some super positive words this morning. Now I know good and well that at some point in my life I have been all of those, sometimes on purpose & other times completely unintentional. However, there are certain people who seem to fall into these roles more often than others.
I know that on several occasions I have responded to someone & later my hubby informed me I was rude. At the time that was not my intention, so I of course would leave feeling bad about someone thinking I was or wasn't rude to them. I know as humans & especially as a mom we have so much going on & sometimes emotions take over & it is hard to keep our feelings in check when talking to someone. Just know that once something is said it can't be taken back. So on a beautiful day like today just be mindful of the words you speak:)
Happy Hump-Day,
How are those for some super positive words this morning. Now I know good and well that at some point in my life I have been all of those, sometimes on purpose & other times completely unintentional. However, there are certain people who seem to fall into these roles more often than others.
Why do people think it is okay to act that way?
Do they not realize how some of the things they say or the way they say them hurt others?
I know that on several occasions I have responded to someone & later my hubby informed me I was rude. At the time that was not my intention, so I of course would leave feeling bad about someone thinking I was or wasn't rude to them. I know as humans & especially as a mom we have so much going on & sometimes emotions take over & it is hard to keep our feelings in check when talking to someone. Just know that once something is said it can't be taken back. So on a beautiful day like today just be mindful of the words you speak:)
Happy Hump-Day,
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Totally Tuesday
Well here are 10 random thoughts for a Tuesday morning:
1. I have now had over 1000 views:) I know that those who have several hundred thousand views may not think that is a big deal, but to me it is. Thank you to all who check or follow my blog, I really appreciate it.
2. Why must I work in a place where I can't open the windows. SERIOUSLY!!! who wants to be stuffed up inside all day with no fresh air.
3. I am a huge "price-matcher" & I enjoy coupons. I follow the Krazy Coupon Lady, but it seems as though the coupons she is referring to I don't have. I know that different areas circulate different coupons, but really??? I do highly recommend price matching though, it has saved me a lot of money. Now you have to understand that where I live there are no grocery stores, where I work I have a grocery store, dollar store, & a Wal-Mart. The closest major chain groceries such as Aldi's, Schnucks, Shop & Save, are all roughly 45 min- 1 hr away. So ad matching is how I get some of the best deals.
4. I got a Nook for mother's day & I am so excited!! I love reading, but I don't really like to spend $15 on a book that I am only going to read once. So a book for $2.99 is AMAZING!
5. I don't even like posting this because I feel like I will jinx myself. But I finally weigh LESS than what I did when I found out I was pregnant. Now my weight always seems to fluctuate 3-4lbs so I can't get too excited, but I'm really happy. I feel like I am making better choices, or at least if it isn't a good choice (pizza) I am not eating as much as I would have before.
6. Several people around me are having babies & as cute as they are I have no desire to have another. At least not at this point.
7. My blogging has been less than stellar & I hope to improve on that.
8. I LOVE chocolate. Probably a little more than I should. But even more than chocolate I love fresh iced sugar, lots of ice, & the stronger the better. I really think it is my addiction. I don't do coffee or soda so tea is my go to.
9. I have a friend who I have known for many years. We have had our ups & downs, but this last down seems to be lasting a long time. I am an honest person & sometimes when something is on my heart I have to tell it. Well after I did that we have hardly spoke, she says she understood & we are good, but I wonder. Part of me wants to confront it, part of me wants to forget about it all & move on, & the other part wants to wait and see what she does. This is why I have so few girl friends.
10. I not only have the BEST mother in the world, I also have the BEST mother-in-law. My mother-in-law & I have had our differences & generally it comes to my son. But overall we get along great, she is always there when I need her & she does so much for us.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!
1. I have now had over 1000 views:) I know that those who have several hundred thousand views may not think that is a big deal, but to me it is. Thank you to all who check or follow my blog, I really appreciate it.
2. Why must I work in a place where I can't open the windows. SERIOUSLY!!! who wants to be stuffed up inside all day with no fresh air.
3. I am a huge "price-matcher" & I enjoy coupons. I follow the Krazy Coupon Lady, but it seems as though the coupons she is referring to I don't have. I know that different areas circulate different coupons, but really??? I do highly recommend price matching though, it has saved me a lot of money. Now you have to understand that where I live there are no grocery stores, where I work I have a grocery store, dollar store, & a Wal-Mart. The closest major chain groceries such as Aldi's, Schnucks, Shop & Save, are all roughly 45 min- 1 hr away. So ad matching is how I get some of the best deals.
4. I got a Nook for mother's day & I am so excited!! I love reading, but I don't really like to spend $15 on a book that I am only going to read once. So a book for $2.99 is AMAZING!
5. I don't even like posting this because I feel like I will jinx myself. But I finally weigh LESS than what I did when I found out I was pregnant. Now my weight always seems to fluctuate 3-4lbs so I can't get too excited, but I'm really happy. I feel like I am making better choices, or at least if it isn't a good choice (pizza) I am not eating as much as I would have before.
6. Several people around me are having babies & as cute as they are I have no desire to have another. At least not at this point.
7. My blogging has been less than stellar & I hope to improve on that.
8. I LOVE chocolate. Probably a little more than I should. But even more than chocolate I love fresh iced sugar, lots of ice, & the stronger the better. I really think it is my addiction. I don't do coffee or soda so tea is my go to.
9. I have a friend who I have known for many years. We have had our ups & downs, but this last down seems to be lasting a long time. I am an honest person & sometimes when something is on my heart I have to tell it. Well after I did that we have hardly spoke, she says she understood & we are good, but I wonder. Part of me wants to confront it, part of me wants to forget about it all & move on, & the other part wants to wait and see what she does. This is why I have so few girl friends.
10. I not only have the BEST mother in the world, I also have the BEST mother-in-law. My mother-in-law & I have had our differences & generally it comes to my son. But overall we get along great, she is always there when I need her & she does so much for us.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
I can't bring myself to post anything at this point about particulars. But these last couple weeks, particularly this one, has been hard. I have cried more this week then I have in the last 6 months. Everything is a process & of course takes time. That would be fine if I wasn't so impatient & expected myself to be able to fix things right then. You know how in the moment of a problem or struggle you think NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!! Well quite frankly, there may not be anyone around that fully understands, or there might be someone next to you who totally gets it. I know that the problems I have right now could be WAY worse. At the same time though my problems aren't that I was going to cook spaghetti but ran out of noodles. I know that I will get through this & hopefully once I am I can post about it & maybe help someone else. Until that day comes I am looking ahead for brighter days & praying for God's guidance.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Hello all!!
So I know I don't have a lot of followers & that is okay, but for the ones I do have I really want you to check out this blog:
My coworker told me about her story (she is friends with a girl who is good friends with the girl who would get "best friend of the year" award). Anyway I will sum it up, but you really have to check out their blog. These girls met (I believe in college, but I may be wrong) and became BEST FRIENDS! they have done a lot together including packing up their belongings & moving to New York! Anyway they call themselves "the Lucys". One of the Lucy's (aka Lauren) was doing work in LA & had went for a morning run, she was hit by a car. She was in a coma & had no id, they were able to figure out who she was & be in touch with her family. People have banded together to pray for her, raise money for her family (they reside in Missouri, she has several siblings, & plane tickets/hotel stay for parents is not cheap), and simply support her & her entire family through this process. Now her best friend has packed up & moved to LA in order to be with her.
I am literally checking this blog daily for updates in hopes that there is good progress. I think one of the reasons I am so in love with this blog & praying so hard for this girl is their friendship. I have had very few "best friends". And to see their friendship & love for each other is amazing!! I don't know either of these girls personally, but their story is great.
So check out their story, pray for her & her family, or go to if you wish to donate money.
happy blogging,
So I know I don't have a lot of followers & that is okay, but for the ones I do have I really want you to check out this blog:
My coworker told me about her story (she is friends with a girl who is good friends with the girl who would get "best friend of the year" award). Anyway I will sum it up, but you really have to check out their blog. These girls met (I believe in college, but I may be wrong) and became BEST FRIENDS! they have done a lot together including packing up their belongings & moving to New York! Anyway they call themselves "the Lucys". One of the Lucy's (aka Lauren) was doing work in LA & had went for a morning run, she was hit by a car. She was in a coma & had no id, they were able to figure out who she was & be in touch with her family. People have banded together to pray for her, raise money for her family (they reside in Missouri, she has several siblings, & plane tickets/hotel stay for parents is not cheap), and simply support her & her entire family through this process. Now her best friend has packed up & moved to LA in order to be with her.
I am literally checking this blog daily for updates in hopes that there is good progress. I think one of the reasons I am so in love with this blog & praying so hard for this girl is their friendship. I have had very few "best friends". And to see their friendship & love for each other is amazing!! I don't know either of these girls personally, but their story is great.
So check out their story, pray for her & her family, or go to if you wish to donate money.
happy blogging,
Monday, April 29, 2013
Lose it!!
So I had been doing pretty well on my "diet". By "diet" I simply mean trying to watch what I eat & not over eating. I got to hang out with my very best friend this weekend & she commented that it looked like I had lost some weight:) (that's only one of the reasons I love her) anyway, I heard that & my body said "hey you are doing great go on a bad food binge"!!! SERIOUSLY..why does my will power disappear completely. I wasn't horrible, but I was far from great. So here I sit typing this post hoping for a better tomorrow.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Do you ever just get tired of emotions? WAIT..if there are any men reading this blog I apologize in advance this a true post aimed towards women, sorry!
Okay, back to my original question as a woman/mother/wife/friend/coworker/employee/daughter/sister/aunt the list goes on & on are you ever just tired of all the emotions? Last night I had zumba, I love that class! I absolutely love to dance & since this incorporates "exercise" it makes it even better. However, I left the class & went to pick up a pizza (NOT FOR ME, for my hubby) and it wasn't ready. Now I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually don't have an issue with waiting. But the girl was moving SOOOO slow & when I asked about our pizza she said it was their "rush time" so it would be a few minutes. Perhaps if she had been moving a little quicker to get things done I wouldn't have been so irritated. Needless to say I displayed my frustration & left in hopes that I could go home & my husband would come back into town & get the pizza.
My husband who never misses an opportunity to get out & "drive around" looking for wildlife decided I could just wait around in town for it, he would stay home. REALLY!!! I just wanted to go home & shower. Anyway I got the pizza, which I was proud of myself, I did not eat 1 piece. But on the way home I cried, I was listening to our Christian radio station & the song "Glorious Day" came on. (I think that is the title, lyrics are "one day He's coming, oh glorious day") Why did I cry??? I have no idea. I was tired, stressed, anxious, happy, sad, you name it I was pretty much feeling it.
I could list all the woes of my life right now & some people would read them & think well my problems aren't too bad & others would think girl, I would love to have those problems versus the ones I have. I know that I am very blessed & very lucky to have the life I have. Sometimes though a lot of little things accumulate into one big thing & it's exhausting. However, I am trying to get better at not "worrying" but instead having "faith" that God has a plan & knows exactly what I am suppose to be doing. A quote I read somewhere says "worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but you don't go anywhere". My mom is a "reformed" worrier (she still struggles but has made huge progress) she always tells me that was a trait she wishes she hadn't passed on to me. I think as a mother though once a child has part of your heart whether through birth or adoption you inherit some extra cells in your body called the "worry cells".
I know God has a plan & will make sure that I am provided for, but sometimes it's hard to have faith and not worry about that (especially if you are like me & need to be in control). I think that pretty much wraps my emotional ramble. Sorry for any & all who have read this & are confused. Sometimes though you just have to vent. As I'm typing I am asking myself another question "have I prayed about it as much as I've talked about it". I would love to say yes, but I know & God knows that probably isn't very accurate. So off I go for a little prayer time.
Okay, back to my original question as a woman/mother/wife/friend/coworker/employee/daughter/sister/aunt the list goes on & on are you ever just tired of all the emotions? Last night I had zumba, I love that class! I absolutely love to dance & since this incorporates "exercise" it makes it even better. However, I left the class & went to pick up a pizza (NOT FOR ME, for my hubby) and it wasn't ready. Now I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually don't have an issue with waiting. But the girl was moving SOOOO slow & when I asked about our pizza she said it was their "rush time" so it would be a few minutes. Perhaps if she had been moving a little quicker to get things done I wouldn't have been so irritated. Needless to say I displayed my frustration & left in hopes that I could go home & my husband would come back into town & get the pizza.
My husband who never misses an opportunity to get out & "drive around" looking for wildlife decided I could just wait around in town for it, he would stay home. REALLY!!! I just wanted to go home & shower. Anyway I got the pizza, which I was proud of myself, I did not eat 1 piece. But on the way home I cried, I was listening to our Christian radio station & the song "Glorious Day" came on. (I think that is the title, lyrics are "one day He's coming, oh glorious day") Why did I cry??? I have no idea. I was tired, stressed, anxious, happy, sad, you name it I was pretty much feeling it.
I could list all the woes of my life right now & some people would read them & think well my problems aren't too bad & others would think girl, I would love to have those problems versus the ones I have. I know that I am very blessed & very lucky to have the life I have. Sometimes though a lot of little things accumulate into one big thing & it's exhausting. However, I am trying to get better at not "worrying" but instead having "faith" that God has a plan & knows exactly what I am suppose to be doing. A quote I read somewhere says "worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but you don't go anywhere". My mom is a "reformed" worrier (she still struggles but has made huge progress) she always tells me that was a trait she wishes she hadn't passed on to me. I think as a mother though once a child has part of your heart whether through birth or adoption you inherit some extra cells in your body called the "worry cells".
I know God has a plan & will make sure that I am provided for, but sometimes it's hard to have faith and not worry about that (especially if you are like me & need to be in control). I think that pretty much wraps my emotional ramble. Sorry for any & all who have read this & are confused. Sometimes though you just have to vent. As I'm typing I am asking myself another question "have I prayed about it as much as I've talked about it". I would love to say yes, but I know & God knows that probably isn't very accurate. So off I go for a little prayer time.
Okay everyone, I tried the crock pot lasagna. It was a SUCCESS!! I put success in caps because my husband not only ate it, but he took some leftovers to work for the next day. For those that don't know my husband he is not a liar (even when it would be better for him to tell a little white lie, especially when it comes to my cooking) and is honest about whether or not he likes a new recipe I try. Now I know some of you are thinking it is better for him to be truthful & I guess it is. BUT I don't like to cook nor do I really know how to cook (I thought a clove of garlic was the whole big chunk of garlic you get at the store, not the smaller pieces you break off), so if/when I try it, it is usually because I'm excited about a new recipe. Then when my hubby & son don't like it my hopes are dashed & it gives me one more reason why I don't cook. Anyway, this recipe was SO easy & it only took me a few minutes to throw together. (I had browned my hamburger the night before) I panicked a little when I seen that it was only supposed to be on low for 4 hours!! I work from 8-4:30 & I typically leave my house at around 7:15. Then I read where she puts it on high while she is getting ready & then on warm the rest of the day. I did it & it worked PERFECT!! My only complaint was one layer of noodles tasted a little mushy, but it was only the one layer so I'm not sure what that was all about. Anyway, I will definitely be making that meal again.
So back to the recipe, I pinned it off Pinterest & it came from
Here is the original recipe:
So back to the recipe, I pinned it off Pinterest & it came from
Here is the original recipe:
Crock-Pot Lasagna 
1 lb. ground beef
29 oz can tomato sauce
8 oz pkg. lasagna noodles, uncooked
4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cups cottage cheese
1. Spray the inside of the crock-pot with cooking spray
2. Brown the ground beef
3. Stir the tomato sauce in with the ground beef
4. Spread 1/4 of the meat sauce on the bottom of the crock-pot
5. Arrange 1/3 of the uncooked noodles over the sauce (I usually break them up so they fit better)
6. Combine the cheeses in a bowl. Spoon 1/3 of the cheeses over the noodles.
7. Repeat these layers twice
8. Top with remaining sauce
9. Cover and cook on low for 4hrs (I've started the crock-pot on high in the morning before I leave for work and then put it on warm when I leave and it's perfect when I get home)
10. Let the lasagna stand in the crock-pot with the lid off for at least 10 minutes
* Variations *
1. Add chopped onion and garlic to the ground beef in step 2
2. Use Italian sausage in place of ground beef or with ground beef
3. Add 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese to the cheese mixture. Replace cottage cheese with Ricotta.
4. Add 1/2 cup additional shredded mozzarella cheese to the top of lasagna 5 minutes before serving
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Wow, I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post. Here I go with my updates:
Wisdom teeth: A thorn in my side & a pain in my hubby's mouth. He had 2 removed, one was easy-peasy, the other of course was difficult!! So not only was it difficult he ended up with a dry socket & still hasn't healed completely. Now, I had all 4 of mine removed & ended up with 2 dry sockets & I don't remember being nearly as whiny as he is. Bless his heart, he is getting better though:)
Puppy Power: We have a new puppy, her name is Pixie. (not my hubby's idea of a good name for a dog) Oh well, my son & I won that argument. She is adorable, and I really think she will be a good dog. But she is in the puppy stage so she does a lot of biting & jumping. My son, who I thought would like her since she is still a "little" puppy, doesn't really want to be near her. He likes to talk to her & see her, but doesn't want to pet her. My hope is that as she mellows out & becomes better trained he will enjoy her more.
Organization: I am the most Unorganized/Organized person I know. To look at my desk/scrapbook room/closet you would think I wouldn't know where anything is. But I actually (for the most part) know where things are. With that being said I like the idea of organization & love pinning stuff on Pinterest that relate to it. (feel free to follow me on Pinterest at My problem is my follow through. So I revised my Home Management Folder again. (this is the 3rd time) I will say that this time my friend found some really good print outs, that I think will be helpful. I also did some spring cleaning this past weekend & cleaned out some stuff, it does feel good to get rid of "STUFF". One of my favorite quotes "organized people are just too lazy to look for it".
Sandbox: Okay, if you are like me you had a sandbox as a kid. Now I was lucky & had a huge sandbox that my swingset sat in...I didn't have a little turtle one with a lid. I remember playing out there & building castles & villages and such. So I wanted a sandbox for my son. My husband wanted one like the little turtle that we could cover up so the cats didn't use it as a litter box. I get that, but I wanted a big one that my son, nephews, neighbor boys all of them could play in it together. My solution was he could build a lid. Well, long story short, I got my way, we didn't make a lid b/c we no longer have cats (we live in the country & they fall victim to traffic) & my son is IN LOVE!! We made this last summer for his birthday & unfortunately IL was quite warm last summer & there were several days it was TOO HOT to play in the sand that had been in the sun all day. However, now that the weather is getting nice again he is out there almost every evening, digging, building, dumping, shoveling....CREATING!! I love watching his little mind work as he creates. So whether you live in a city & don't have space for a large sandbox, a turtle will do. or if you are blessed to live in the country, like me, get your kid a sandbox. The will love it.
****NOTE****From many years of daycare if your child is still in diapers and sand gets on their bottom put baby powder on them & brush it off. Works WAY better then trying to wash it off.
Boston: I don't really like to talk about things that are so sad, but sometimes you just have to. My thoughts & prayers are with all the victims & families that have suffered because of the horrific events at the Boston Marathon. I have never been much of a news junkie, even before my mornings were Mickey Mouse & Chugginton, I still didn't watch much news. Mainly because it is usually depressing & I don't like to start my day off that way. That being said, my computer had the live feed going all day Friday as they were on the manhunt. I know I have said this before, but I don't know if it is because I am older, or because I have a child, or maybe just because I am more aware. These horrific events really get to me. I had Dr. Phil on DVR during the Sandy Hook shootings & I still haven't been able to watch those shows. I just start crying. I would love it if we never see another horrific event/tragedy like Boston or Sandy Hook ever again, but I know that probably isn't going to happen. The only thing we can do is pray & stay strong for those who are directly affected.
On a more positive note I tried a new recipe today "Crockpot Lasagna". I am anxious to get home & try it. If it is a success I will be sure to update you. Happy Blogging!!
Wisdom teeth: A thorn in my side & a pain in my hubby's mouth. He had 2 removed, one was easy-peasy, the other of course was difficult!! So not only was it difficult he ended up with a dry socket & still hasn't healed completely. Now, I had all 4 of mine removed & ended up with 2 dry sockets & I don't remember being nearly as whiny as he is. Bless his heart, he is getting better though:)
Puppy Power: We have a new puppy, her name is Pixie. (not my hubby's idea of a good name for a dog) Oh well, my son & I won that argument. She is adorable, and I really think she will be a good dog. But she is in the puppy stage so she does a lot of biting & jumping. My son, who I thought would like her since she is still a "little" puppy, doesn't really want to be near her. He likes to talk to her & see her, but doesn't want to pet her. My hope is that as she mellows out & becomes better trained he will enjoy her more.
Organization: I am the most Unorganized/Organized person I know. To look at my desk/scrapbook room/closet you would think I wouldn't know where anything is. But I actually (for the most part) know where things are. With that being said I like the idea of organization & love pinning stuff on Pinterest that relate to it. (feel free to follow me on Pinterest at My problem is my follow through. So I revised my Home Management Folder again. (this is the 3rd time) I will say that this time my friend found some really good print outs, that I think will be helpful. I also did some spring cleaning this past weekend & cleaned out some stuff, it does feel good to get rid of "STUFF". One of my favorite quotes "organized people are just too lazy to look for it".
Sandbox: Okay, if you are like me you had a sandbox as a kid. Now I was lucky & had a huge sandbox that my swingset sat in...I didn't have a little turtle one with a lid. I remember playing out there & building castles & villages and such. So I wanted a sandbox for my son. My husband wanted one like the little turtle that we could cover up so the cats didn't use it as a litter box. I get that, but I wanted a big one that my son, nephews, neighbor boys all of them could play in it together. My solution was he could build a lid. Well, long story short, I got my way, we didn't make a lid b/c we no longer have cats (we live in the country & they fall victim to traffic) & my son is IN LOVE!! We made this last summer for his birthday & unfortunately IL was quite warm last summer & there were several days it was TOO HOT to play in the sand that had been in the sun all day. However, now that the weather is getting nice again he is out there almost every evening, digging, building, dumping, shoveling....CREATING!! I love watching his little mind work as he creates. So whether you live in a city & don't have space for a large sandbox, a turtle will do. or if you are blessed to live in the country, like me, get your kid a sandbox. The will love it.
****NOTE****From many years of daycare if your child is still in diapers and sand gets on their bottom put baby powder on them & brush it off. Works WAY better then trying to wash it off.
Boston: I don't really like to talk about things that are so sad, but sometimes you just have to. My thoughts & prayers are with all the victims & families that have suffered because of the horrific events at the Boston Marathon. I have never been much of a news junkie, even before my mornings were Mickey Mouse & Chugginton, I still didn't watch much news. Mainly because it is usually depressing & I don't like to start my day off that way. That being said, my computer had the live feed going all day Friday as they were on the manhunt. I know I have said this before, but I don't know if it is because I am older, or because I have a child, or maybe just because I am more aware. These horrific events really get to me. I had Dr. Phil on DVR during the Sandy Hook shootings & I still haven't been able to watch those shows. I just start crying. I would love it if we never see another horrific event/tragedy like Boston or Sandy Hook ever again, but I know that probably isn't going to happen. The only thing we can do is pray & stay strong for those who are directly affected.
On a more positive note I tried a new recipe today "Crockpot Lasagna". I am anxious to get home & try it. If it is a success I will be sure to update you. Happy Blogging!!
Monday, March 18, 2013
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No Perfect Moms
Let me just say that as much as I would like to be at home, I am glad to have started a "normal" week. Last Friday (the 8th) I woke up in the early morning hours with the flu. SERIOUSLY!! I have not had the flu since 2006 & I had made it through Dec., Jan., & Feb. without getting sick. March comes & I am puking my guts out. Now I must say that I had forgotten just how much I HATE being sick. Well I was sick Friday, Saturday, & was finally better by Sunday. So my husband & I decided to make a run to the store with our son. WELLLLL....wouldn't you know we get almost to the store & my son projectile vomits in the truck.
-SIDE NOTE: my husband does not do well w/ puking & is one that will start gagging & possibly end up puking if he is around others that are.
So we get pulled over to the side of the road & my son, bless his heart, is doing pretty good for the first time ever puking. My husband on the other hand is standing behind me gagging & complaining of the smell. So now i have a sick kid. Well he seemed fine when we got home only he had diarrhea. I don't want to brag b/c it will come back to bite me I'm sure, but my son did really well the entire time & only had 2 accidents in his underwear:) Well a family member came & watched our son while my husband & I went to work. Later that night my son wakes up screaming, I run in his room to find him puking in his bed. (he had went a full 24 hours w/out puking) So here I am at 10 pm giving our son a shower while my husband is gagging changing his bed clothes. I make a bed on the floor & my son & I snuggle up. At around 2am I hear my husband in the bathroom puking:( Needless to say sleep was not an option that night. Well after several days my husband & son are back to feeling better, thank goodness b/c I'm not sure who the bigger baby was.
Friday I was able to take off work & attend the Hearts at Home conference in Bloomington, IL. AWESOME!! If you have never been, you must go. This conference is completely dedicated to moms. This year the theme was "No Perfect Moms", how appropriate. It was so nice to be able to listen to other women talk about the achievements/disappointments/stresses of everyday motherhood. It was also nice to enjoy some much needed girl time. I came away from that event learning several things: 1. I am not the only mother who sometimes wants to run away & hide for a while 2. I am so thankful for the life & family that I have & how the Lord has blessed me 3. I really struggle with friendships (this will be discussed on a future post, I don't have the energy for that now)
So this week starts a new week...but next week is sure to bring many interesting posts. My hubby gets his wisdom teeth out, we have my nephew's 2nd birthday party, & our son gets his pictures taken.
-SIDE NOTE: my husband does not do well w/ puking & is one that will start gagging & possibly end up puking if he is around others that are.
So we get pulled over to the side of the road & my son, bless his heart, is doing pretty good for the first time ever puking. My husband on the other hand is standing behind me gagging & complaining of the smell. So now i have a sick kid. Well he seemed fine when we got home only he had diarrhea. I don't want to brag b/c it will come back to bite me I'm sure, but my son did really well the entire time & only had 2 accidents in his underwear:) Well a family member came & watched our son while my husband & I went to work. Later that night my son wakes up screaming, I run in his room to find him puking in his bed. (he had went a full 24 hours w/out puking) So here I am at 10 pm giving our son a shower while my husband is gagging changing his bed clothes. I make a bed on the floor & my son & I snuggle up. At around 2am I hear my husband in the bathroom puking:( Needless to say sleep was not an option that night. Well after several days my husband & son are back to feeling better, thank goodness b/c I'm not sure who the bigger baby was.
Friday I was able to take off work & attend the Hearts at Home conference in Bloomington, IL. AWESOME!! If you have never been, you must go. This conference is completely dedicated to moms. This year the theme was "No Perfect Moms", how appropriate. It was so nice to be able to listen to other women talk about the achievements/disappointments/stresses of everyday motherhood. It was also nice to enjoy some much needed girl time. I came away from that event learning several things: 1. I am not the only mother who sometimes wants to run away & hide for a while 2. I am so thankful for the life & family that I have & how the Lord has blessed me 3. I really struggle with friendships (this will be discussed on a future post, I don't have the energy for that now)
So this week starts a new week...but next week is sure to bring many interesting posts. My hubby gets his wisdom teeth out, we have my nephew's 2nd birthday party, & our son gets his pictures taken.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Okay I typically don't post a lot of pics & I hope to get better at that. I definatley do not post pics of just myself (posing at that)...that's just not me. BUT I had to brag a little on my awesome deal. I LOVE shopping just as much as the next girl, but when you have child care & bills to pay that gets put on the back burner. Well I had a gift card for Kohls (one of my favorite stores) so I thought I deserved a new outfit. Me being me I headed straight to the clearance racks, which Kohls always seems to have a lot of. Let me back up a little & say that I like colored jeans, but I don't think this fad will last forever so I realy didn't want to spend a lot of money on them. With that being said I found these adorable mustard jeans ($8.80) & this grey sweater ($12.80). Problem 1: the jeans were a size smaller then I would normally buy. Problem 2: the sweater had a little piece of material coming loose. (hard to tell in the pic, but it is a knitted type sweater)
So to the dressing room I went and the jeans....FIT!!!!!!! I was so excited, but I still wasn't sure about the sweater, but my mom told me to ask about getting more taken off the sales price since it was damaged. So I ask the girl at the checkout & explain there was not another sweater on the racks, (truly this was the only one I could find) and since it was damaged would there be anyway to take more off the price. She said she would take an additional 10% off.....WOOHOO, my total for top & jeans was roughly $18, I got my tank underneath at Target (another favorite store) for $8, I already had my boots but they were another deal of $20 at Sears a couple years ago. I absolutely LOVE a new outfit, but when an entire outfit costs less than $50 that is AWESOME!!
To add to my exciting day I was driving my son to his babysitter & seen $5 laying in the middle of the street. The street I was on has a lot of traffic & several people up & down it so how that $5 managed to be where it was is beyond me...but Happy $5 day to me:)
Okay the more I look at the pics I realize that stripes are not good for me:( So i better post this before I chicken out.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Where did the month go?
Well a lot has happened...or should I say not happened since my last post.
1. I AM HORRIBLE w/ EXERCISE!! I have not been doing much at all.
2. My son has decided that he would rather watch Aladdin, play games, or sneak behind furniture & pee his pants then go to the restroom. Thankfully this has only happened a few times, but he was doing so well I'm not sure why he is going backwards. Oh well, he is still doing pretty great for 2 1/2:)
3. The women's conference that I put together went GREAT! God tells us not to worry & to trust in him. You would think putting together a conference for GOD you would be able to do that...I wish it was that easy. But as usual all my worrying was a waste b/c the event was great. We had amazing speakers & great worship, as well as really yummy food. One of the women who spoke has a fairly new outreach called Mighty Strong Girls. If you have daughters, nieces, cousins, even if you know young girls definitely check out their website: Their mission is to help girls receive a positive image about themselves & that what they see in the media is not reality.
4. Before I tell my next story I should say that I am not a violent person nor do I take domestic violence lightly. With that being said the other night I smacked my husband in the face, in my sleep. I am a very vivid dreamer as well as what I would call an "active sleeper". The other night I woke up & he was holding my arm above his face, I was really confused so I yanked my arm away, rolled over & went back to sleep. According to my husband he was in a dead sleep when I smacked him pretty hard right in the face & drug my nails across. My husband said he thought he was being attacked. When he realized it was me he was angry. (did he really think I would do that on purpose) I should also note that this was around 3:45am, my hubby gets up at 4. So everyone knows how much it stinks to get woke up before you alarm goes off. Then when he got up he went to the mirror & there were red marks on his face. I apologized & I really don't remember any of it. His response "I don't care what you have to do, get counseling, do something about your sleeping". I will also add this isn't the first time my husband has suffered injury at the hands of me from my crazy dreams. I'm really shocked he hasn't got a separate bed yet:)
5. I cleaned out my fridge yesterday & can I just say it's amazing what you find. Needless to say it looks much better now, but a little bare.
6. I would love to start my own business, where I do nothing but other peoples errands. How nice would it be if you could call someone & say I need groceries picked up, my dry cleaning dropped off, & the leaves raked in my yard. I could set my own hours, get my own errands done while doing others, & be able to work from home. OH TO DREAM!
7. I think my husband & I had a mental block because we got my son a puppy. Her name is Pixie & she is soooo CUTE! (pics to come soon) However, she is a puppy who bites everything & pees on the floor. I thought potty training my son was hard. Let me back up though & explain why we got this dog. My son has never really been raised around a dog. We had a hunting dog when he was little but that dog stayed in a kennel, my sister has dogs but they live in town so they are typically in a pen. My parents don't have a dog. My in-laws do have a dog (that I got them) who is a 110lb lab that is CRAZY!! So to say my son doesn't like dogs is an understatement, he is afraid of them. He likes looking at them & talking to them, but doesn't want them near him. So I thought if we got a puppy he would do better with it b/c the dog would be smaller than him. Well he loves her & cries if he doesn't get to see her or doesn't know where she is...BUT he doesn't want to pet her unless we are holding her & you can forget about playing on the floor with her. Last night we did walk around the yard with her & he did pretty well. It's going to take time, but I hope they become best friends!
With all that being said February has flown by but the cold weather remains. I am so ready for spring.
1. I AM HORRIBLE w/ EXERCISE!! I have not been doing much at all.
2. My son has decided that he would rather watch Aladdin, play games, or sneak behind furniture & pee his pants then go to the restroom. Thankfully this has only happened a few times, but he was doing so well I'm not sure why he is going backwards. Oh well, he is still doing pretty great for 2 1/2:)
3. The women's conference that I put together went GREAT! God tells us not to worry & to trust in him. You would think putting together a conference for GOD you would be able to do that...I wish it was that easy. But as usual all my worrying was a waste b/c the event was great. We had amazing speakers & great worship, as well as really yummy food. One of the women who spoke has a fairly new outreach called Mighty Strong Girls. If you have daughters, nieces, cousins, even if you know young girls definitely check out their website: Their mission is to help girls receive a positive image about themselves & that what they see in the media is not reality.
4. Before I tell my next story I should say that I am not a violent person nor do I take domestic violence lightly. With that being said the other night I smacked my husband in the face, in my sleep. I am a very vivid dreamer as well as what I would call an "active sleeper". The other night I woke up & he was holding my arm above his face, I was really confused so I yanked my arm away, rolled over & went back to sleep. According to my husband he was in a dead sleep when I smacked him pretty hard right in the face & drug my nails across. My husband said he thought he was being attacked. When he realized it was me he was angry. (did he really think I would do that on purpose) I should also note that this was around 3:45am, my hubby gets up at 4. So everyone knows how much it stinks to get woke up before you alarm goes off. Then when he got up he went to the mirror & there were red marks on his face. I apologized & I really don't remember any of it. His response "I don't care what you have to do, get counseling, do something about your sleeping". I will also add this isn't the first time my husband has suffered injury at the hands of me from my crazy dreams. I'm really shocked he hasn't got a separate bed yet:)
5. I cleaned out my fridge yesterday & can I just say it's amazing what you find. Needless to say it looks much better now, but a little bare.
6. I would love to start my own business, where I do nothing but other peoples errands. How nice would it be if you could call someone & say I need groceries picked up, my dry cleaning dropped off, & the leaves raked in my yard. I could set my own hours, get my own errands done while doing others, & be able to work from home. OH TO DREAM!
7. I think my husband & I had a mental block because we got my son a puppy. Her name is Pixie & she is soooo CUTE! (pics to come soon) However, she is a puppy who bites everything & pees on the floor. I thought potty training my son was hard. Let me back up though & explain why we got this dog. My son has never really been raised around a dog. We had a hunting dog when he was little but that dog stayed in a kennel, my sister has dogs but they live in town so they are typically in a pen. My parents don't have a dog. My in-laws do have a dog (that I got them) who is a 110lb lab that is CRAZY!! So to say my son doesn't like dogs is an understatement, he is afraid of them. He likes looking at them & talking to them, but doesn't want them near him. So I thought if we got a puppy he would do better with it b/c the dog would be smaller than him. Well he loves her & cries if he doesn't get to see her or doesn't know where she is...BUT he doesn't want to pet her unless we are holding her & you can forget about playing on the floor with her. Last night we did walk around the yard with her & he did pretty well. It's going to take time, but I hope they become best friends!
With all that being said February has flown by but the cold weather remains. I am so ready for spring.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Work it out!
Okay, so I am on my 3rd week of this 10 week workout. I have struggled to complete each day, but I have done my best to make up anything that I didn't do the day before. My other hurdle has been my eating. This last week I have been SOO hungry, I'm trying to eat better, but it is HARD!! I did go to the store today & pick up some items to make smoothies again. We got a smoothie maker several years ago & I LOVE IT! But it seems as though i never make the time to get the ingredients or to actually make it. So hopefully I can get started on better eating.
I am going to try over the next few weeks to really watch what I eat, but more importantly watch my portion sizes. Do I really need seconds....I think not.
Now on a more humerous note: Last night we celebrated my dad's birthday at my brother's house. We were all there & so were our 4 .....well 3 monkeys & 1 angel child (that's my sister's baby). Anyway, my son & oldest nephew had been playing really hard, then my other nephew decided to join in. Next thing we hear..."Dad, I puked on my bed". Sure enough out comes my oldest nephew with puke on his shirt, once everyone enters into the room there is puke on the bed, my son is coughing & gagging, & my other nephew is mimicking all of it. Thankfully they were not sick but both have had bad coughs & drainage, so getting all worked up sent them into puke mode. Happy Birthday DAD!!
My little guy is doing really good with going on the potty. It is unbelievable, I sometimes have to stop & think before packing a bag to go somewhere. I don't need 8 diapers & a pack of wipes:) Life is good in that department.
I'm currently preparing for a women's outreach event at our church. I am super excited & feel like God has called me to lead this. NOW... I have to work on speaking slowly & clearly. Those that know me know just how fast I talk on a normal basis, but when I am in front of people I am usually double speed.
Well until next time, happy blogging:)
I am going to try over the next few weeks to really watch what I eat, but more importantly watch my portion sizes. Do I really need seconds....I think not.
Now on a more humerous note: Last night we celebrated my dad's birthday at my brother's house. We were all there & so were our 4 .....well 3 monkeys & 1 angel child (that's my sister's baby). Anyway, my son & oldest nephew had been playing really hard, then my other nephew decided to join in. Next thing we hear..."Dad, I puked on my bed". Sure enough out comes my oldest nephew with puke on his shirt, once everyone enters into the room there is puke on the bed, my son is coughing & gagging, & my other nephew is mimicking all of it. Thankfully they were not sick but both have had bad coughs & drainage, so getting all worked up sent them into puke mode. Happy Birthday DAD!!
My little guy is doing really good with going on the potty. It is unbelievable, I sometimes have to stop & think before packing a bag to go somewhere. I don't need 8 diapers & a pack of wipes:) Life is good in that department.
I'm currently preparing for a women's outreach event at our church. I am super excited & feel like God has called me to lead this. NOW... I have to work on speaking slowly & clearly. Those that know me know just how fast I talk on a normal basis, but when I am in front of people I am usually double speed.
Well until next time, happy blogging:)
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
1st week
Well my first week of the workout wasn't terrible. I managed to complete every day, (well sort of). I got sidetracked Saturday & only completed 1/2 of it & Sunday I didn't do anything. But on Monday I was off work so I completed the rest of Saturday & most of Sunday, as well as Monday. That was a HUGE task considering I was sick with a horrible cough & sore throat. 90 jumping jacks with a bad cough is no easy feat. Anyway I must be honest in that I bypassed the running. Now before everyone says "well she failed". I already had a pretty good idea that I wouldn't be doing the running part. Not because I don't think I can do it, but because I live in IL and Sunday there was ice, Monday was 60 degrees & raining, Tuesday we had tornado warnings, & Wednesday it was down to 30 degrees. Between being sick & the unpredictable weather I passed. Now my plan is to continue with the everyday workouts & once it gets nice start the running program. I was also very brave & let my husband take a picture of me in my swimsuit:( Now this was no pose, suck in your gut kinda picture, this was a true relaxed this is what my body looks like pic. Now NO ONE will be seeing this picture, but I am going to take one every week in the same swimsuit so I can really see the difference.
Also let me say that I am convinced the DEVIL created fat days!!! You know what I'm talking about, one day you weigh one amount & you feel pretty good. 2 days later...BAM you are 5 lbs heavier. Now I get that our bodies fluctuate due to water, salt, bloating, ect. But really!!! This is why so many people give up on their exercise routine. This entire week I have been exercising & I am heavier then I was the week before without any exercise.
I also had 2 doctor appointments this past week, one on Friday & one on Monday. Both times I was weighed, & I DID NOT like the number on the scale. I told myself that I was fully dressed with clothes so I could deduct a few pounds, but still wasn't a huge fan of the number.
Anyway week 2 has begun so we shall see...wish me luck:)
Also let me say that I am convinced the DEVIL created fat days!!! You know what I'm talking about, one day you weigh one amount & you feel pretty good. 2 days later...BAM you are 5 lbs heavier. Now I get that our bodies fluctuate due to water, salt, bloating, ect. But really!!! This is why so many people give up on their exercise routine. This entire week I have been exercising & I am heavier then I was the week before without any exercise.
I also had 2 doctor appointments this past week, one on Friday & one on Monday. Both times I was weighed, & I DID NOT like the number on the scale. I told myself that I was fully dressed with clothes so I could deduct a few pounds, but still wasn't a huge fan of the number.
Anyway week 2 has begun so we shall see...wish me luck:)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Liebster Award
Hello everyone,
I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award from Samantha @ I learned that the Liebster Award is to honor up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers, and to pay it forward. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Sam, I really appreciate it! Be sure to check out her blog..I absolutely LOVE IT!
The rules are:
1. I have crazy long toes that i can pick stuff up with. (for all you people grossed out by feet, I apologize)
2. As much as I love shoes, I would rather go barefoot.
3. As a child I liked to eat cold hot dogs...the thought of that now makes me cringe.
4. I love dogs more than cats, but I have to be able to wash my hands immediately after petting them.
5. When I drink milk I have to drink it fast because I have a weird thought that the milk is going to go bad. PS: it also has to be really cold, several occasions I have put ice in my glass
6. I cannot stand it when people cheat!
7. I love watching reality shows like Teen Mom & Mob Wives, but cannot stand the Bachelor.
8. I come across like I don't care, but in reality I care way too much about what others think of me.
9. I am a photo/scrapbook junkie, I long for the day I have a beautiful, organized room like the ones on Pinterest. Right now my room likes a scrapbooking tornado came through.
10. I am a BUDGET freak! Or in my husbands words "a tightwad" I hate paying full price for anything.
11. I have handwriting like a 7 year old boy. (it's bad people, really bad)
11 Questions from Sam:
1. What is your favorite book or movie? Movie-would be a tie between Grease & Annie. Book-probably anything by Jodi Piccoult.
2. What is your favorite winter activity? Sledding
3. What was your first car? a 1992 Cutlass Supreme. Side note: when I went to get my license I fell on a spot check day & I had to take a road test:( Luckily I passed!!
4. What is one thing you could eat every day and not get tired of? Popcorn, for a while I was eating it everyday. I will eat the microwavable kind, but I prefer to pop my own on the stove:)
5. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or the Ferris wheel? Roller coaster
6. What is your least favorite household task? Putting laundry away
7. What's one clothing item or accessory you couldn't live without? A good bra
8. Do you have any pets? yes a house cat named ROXY.
9. Do you prefer high heels or flip flops? flip flops
10. What is one household possession that you couldn't live without? My camera
11. What was your favorite vacation ever? Probably going to Hawaii
New Nominees: (The rules at the top say 11, but I don't really follow 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers, so I'm choosing 7 blogs that I really enjoy - please go check out their blogs!)
A blog of my own
Mommy I'm Done
Harrison Highlights
Just a Normal Mom
Life as Lindsay
The Freeman Family
Unsweetened Coco
Questions for new nominees:
1. What is your favorite season & why?
2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
3. How do you sleep? (back, belly, head under covers)
4. When was your first kiss?
5. What is your favorite animal?
6. Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jump?
7. Biggest fear?
8. Best life lesson you have learned thus far?
9. Describe your best friend in 5 words or less-
10. Favorite board game?
11. If you could go anyplace in the world where would you go?
I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award from Samantha @ I learned that the Liebster Award is to honor up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers, and to pay it forward. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Sam, I really appreciate it! Be sure to check out her blog..I absolutely LOVE IT!
The rules are:
- Post 11 random facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 questions the nominator(s) asked.
- You (the nominee) come up with 11 new nominees (no tag backs) and 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
- Nominees should have less than 200 followers and should link back to you on their Liebster blog post.
- Lastly, be sure to actually let the nominees know they've been nominated.
1. I have crazy long toes that i can pick stuff up with. (for all you people grossed out by feet, I apologize)
2. As much as I love shoes, I would rather go barefoot.
3. As a child I liked to eat cold hot dogs...the thought of that now makes me cringe.
4. I love dogs more than cats, but I have to be able to wash my hands immediately after petting them.
5. When I drink milk I have to drink it fast because I have a weird thought that the milk is going to go bad. PS: it also has to be really cold, several occasions I have put ice in my glass
6. I cannot stand it when people cheat!
7. I love watching reality shows like Teen Mom & Mob Wives, but cannot stand the Bachelor.
8. I come across like I don't care, but in reality I care way too much about what others think of me.
9. I am a photo/scrapbook junkie, I long for the day I have a beautiful, organized room like the ones on Pinterest. Right now my room likes a scrapbooking tornado came through.
10. I am a BUDGET freak! Or in my husbands words "a tightwad" I hate paying full price for anything.
11. I have handwriting like a 7 year old boy. (it's bad people, really bad)
11 Questions from Sam:
1. What is your favorite book or movie? Movie-would be a tie between Grease & Annie. Book-probably anything by Jodi Piccoult.
2. What is your favorite winter activity? Sledding
3. What was your first car? a 1992 Cutlass Supreme. Side note: when I went to get my license I fell on a spot check day & I had to take a road test:( Luckily I passed!!
4. What is one thing you could eat every day and not get tired of? Popcorn, for a while I was eating it everyday. I will eat the microwavable kind, but I prefer to pop my own on the stove:)
5. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or the Ferris wheel? Roller coaster
6. What is your least favorite household task? Putting laundry away
7. What's one clothing item or accessory you couldn't live without? A good bra
8. Do you have any pets? yes a house cat named ROXY.
9. Do you prefer high heels or flip flops? flip flops
10. What is one household possession that you couldn't live without? My camera
11. What was your favorite vacation ever? Probably going to Hawaii
New Nominees: (The rules at the top say 11, but I don't really follow 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers, so I'm choosing 7 blogs that I really enjoy - please go check out their blogs!)
A blog of my own
Mommy I'm Done
Harrison Highlights
Just a Normal Mom
Life as Lindsay
The Freeman Family
Unsweetened Coco
Questions for new nominees:
1. What is your favorite season & why?
2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
3. How do you sleep? (back, belly, head under covers)
4. When was your first kiss?
5. What is your favorite animal?
6. Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jump?
7. Biggest fear?
8. Best life lesson you have learned thus far?
9. Describe your best friend in 5 words or less-
10. Favorite board game?
11. If you could go anyplace in the world where would you go?
Friday, January 25, 2013
1st Step
Okay, so if you read my post after the first of the year you know that one of my goals is weight loss. Same goal every year & usually the same result:( Well I recently found a 10 week workout program. Before I tell you about it I need to fill you in on a few things.
1. I don't have the extra $ to pay for a gym membership.
2. We don't have workout equipment at my house.
3. I HATE running...I get side cramps, my chest is larger so we (well those with larger chests) understand how miserable that can be.
4. I dislike getting up any earlier than I have to.
So with all that being said I found a 10 week program that doesn't involve weights/equipment & I can do everything from my house. I also happened to look at the calendar & if I start on Sunday my 10 weeks will be up the same week as my 29th birthday. What could be better than fitting into smaller clothes on my birthday. I will say this workout incorporates running, and I am kinda nervous about not following through on that, it is still really cold in IL. Considering that I don't like to run anyway, running in the cold is not really on the top of my "things I like to do" list.
BUT! One of my goals/hopes with this blog was that I would feel more accountable. So starting Sunday I am beginning my 10 week program. My plan is to post at the end of every week my progress. I will also be sure to post the routine as well. (you can also go to pinterest & search 10 week workout) I am going to try & eat better & watch my portion size, but I am going to enjoy life so if I want some ice cream....I will be eating ice cream. Wish me luck & please call me out if I haven't posted about the workout or try to give a lame reason for stopping.
God Bless!
1. I don't have the extra $ to pay for a gym membership.
2. We don't have workout equipment at my house.
3. I HATE running...I get side cramps, my chest is larger so we (well those with larger chests) understand how miserable that can be.
4. I dislike getting up any earlier than I have to.
So with all that being said I found a 10 week program that doesn't involve weights/equipment & I can do everything from my house. I also happened to look at the calendar & if I start on Sunday my 10 weeks will be up the same week as my 29th birthday. What could be better than fitting into smaller clothes on my birthday. I will say this workout incorporates running, and I am kinda nervous about not following through on that, it is still really cold in IL. Considering that I don't like to run anyway, running in the cold is not really on the top of my "things I like to do" list.
BUT! One of my goals/hopes with this blog was that I would feel more accountable. So starting Sunday I am beginning my 10 week program. My plan is to post at the end of every week my progress. I will also be sure to post the routine as well. (you can also go to pinterest & search 10 week workout) I am going to try & eat better & watch my portion size, but I am going to enjoy life so if I want some ice cream....I will be eating ice cream. Wish me luck & please call me out if I haven't posted about the workout or try to give a lame reason for stopping.
God Bless!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Sometimes I am completely & utterly overwhelmed with life. I'm pretty sure that everyone can say they have felt that way at least once. Now, I have been overwhelmed to the point that I am on the verge of a panic attack (luckily that has only happened once). But generally speaking sometimes you just feel overwhelmed. I have my husband, my son, my family, work, church, the house, bills, projects, friendships...the list goes on & on. I have really tried, these last few years especially, to not "worry my life away". I am a worrier by nature, and I like to know that things are going to be okay. Well sometimes you just have to have a little FAITH!! I know that prayer works & I know that God will provide for me & never give me more than I can handle. (sometimes God has a sense of humor though, I don't always find it funny) Anyway, I have really been focusing on praying that God will take care of the situation, it may not be what I want, but if it is God's plan then I know it will be okay. So that being said, there have been a couple different things that have happened this past month that just rejuvenate my faith. It is so comforting to know that these things were taken care of because of God, not because I worried & stressed over them. I know that in tough situations it is hard to see the good, & also be able to even think that things will be okay. BUT a little faith can go a long way. So happy prayers everyone!!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Christmas project
I posted a while back that I was working on a project for my cousin. Well since I was finally able to get pictures is the finished project! Countdown to Christmas!
This was an idea I got off of Pinterest. I took 2 12x12 sheets of cardstock & put some thin cardboard behind them to help make them more sturdy. I cut several little squares & tags. On each tag there was something to do that day. The site from Pinterest had several ideas. I typed them all up & printed them on mailing labels. So much fun making this & I know that my cousin's really enjoyed pulling a tag & seeing what new thing they got to do:)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
What a difference a month makes
So it has been a month since my last post & I feel terrible that it has been this long but a lot has gone on. I will apologize in advance for the craziness of this post & the random subjects that may occur..but waiting a month between posts will do that to you.
1. Sandy Hook- I was at work & happened to look at the Yahoo news link & began to watch this tragedy unfold on the news. Now I am only 28 but there have been several tragedies that I have seen on the news & remember vividly....9-11, Katrina, Columbine, Oklahoma City, those are just a few that come to mind. For some reason though this one really seemed to hit a place in my heart. I was brought to tears sitting at my desk just wanting to leave & go get my 2 1/2 year old son from the sitter. Now I have always felt sadness for all the people/families involved in all of the tragedies that have occurred during my lifetime. I think since I now have a child I see things a different way. I read several blogs that spoke on the Sandy Hook tragedy, eventually though I couldn't even watch the news. I pray that those families are able to find some peace. May God bless those children, teachers, staff, & all the families involved.
2. Christmas- My son LOVED Christmas this year. He had so much fun opening presents & the look of excitement on his face was priceless:) Now needless to say my son got more toys than he really needs, and as much as he loved his new train table from his Nana & Papa, he was also very excited for the box of Raisenets that Santa left in his stocking.
3. POTTY TRAINING- So excited to announce that we are now in underwear (minus naps & bedtime) The last 4 days we have only had 3 accidents!!! Now he still isn't really telling me when he has to go potty, but he goes when I tell him to. He is however telling me when he has to go #2 which is a really big deal for me because who enjoys changing poopy diapers..NOT ME!
4. New Years- Well my husband & I being the crazy party animals we are stayed up until 8:30!! I did set some goals for myself & my family. We will see how these work out, but I feel all my goals are reachable...I'm not trying to lose 75lbs by March or build a new house. My goals are simple yet rewarding if I choose to follow through. Wish me luck!
5. Freezer Meals- well after reading about it & doing some research I decided to try freezer meals. My neighbor & I went shopping on Saturday & then made everything on Sunday. LOVE IT!! Now you have to understand that I HATE cooking...everything about it minus the eating I can't stand. So this was a big task for me & considering we worked on it from 1-6:30 that is a long time in the kitchen for me. Between the two of us we spent around $160 total & made 36 meals (18 a piece). I must tell you that both of us have our own beef so we are lucky & don't have to purchase that from the store, and we had several of the spices & canned goods listed in our pantries so that took away a little bit of cost. But overall $80 a person wasn't bad for 18 meals. So far I have had 5 of the recipes & there was only 1 that we didn't like as a family. The other nice thing is leftovers:) Now my son is 2 & really picky he doesn't eat a lot, but even if he ate a normal serving there would still be some left over!
6. Outreach- I am currently working on the outreach committee at our church. I have never been on a committee at church & hope that I am able to bring new ideas to the group. I am in the process of putting together a women's outreach day & I am very excited about this event.
7. 365- I recently, well minus 2 pages, completed my son's entire 1st year in a scrapbook. Before he was born my mom had seen several blogs with 365 days of....... She told me I should do this for my son, take a picture & journal every day of his first year. Now do I have a picture from every day NO, do I have journaling from every day NO. But I do have something from every day. It was difficult especially with it being my first child & being totally exhausted. But I made it work & I am happy that I did it. Now when my son is 25 is he going to care that I did it, maybe, maybe not. But hopefully his wife, or children will enjoy it:)
Well, that's all I have for now. I'm excited for a new year & new blogs!
1. Sandy Hook- I was at work & happened to look at the Yahoo news link & began to watch this tragedy unfold on the news. Now I am only 28 but there have been several tragedies that I have seen on the news & remember vividly....9-11, Katrina, Columbine, Oklahoma City, those are just a few that come to mind. For some reason though this one really seemed to hit a place in my heart. I was brought to tears sitting at my desk just wanting to leave & go get my 2 1/2 year old son from the sitter. Now I have always felt sadness for all the people/families involved in all of the tragedies that have occurred during my lifetime. I think since I now have a child I see things a different way. I read several blogs that spoke on the Sandy Hook tragedy, eventually though I couldn't even watch the news. I pray that those families are able to find some peace. May God bless those children, teachers, staff, & all the families involved.
2. Christmas- My son LOVED Christmas this year. He had so much fun opening presents & the look of excitement on his face was priceless:) Now needless to say my son got more toys than he really needs, and as much as he loved his new train table from his Nana & Papa, he was also very excited for the box of Raisenets that Santa left in his stocking.
3. POTTY TRAINING- So excited to announce that we are now in underwear (minus naps & bedtime) The last 4 days we have only had 3 accidents!!! Now he still isn't really telling me when he has to go potty, but he goes when I tell him to. He is however telling me when he has to go #2 which is a really big deal for me because who enjoys changing poopy diapers..NOT ME!
4. New Years- Well my husband & I being the crazy party animals we are stayed up until 8:30!! I did set some goals for myself & my family. We will see how these work out, but I feel all my goals are reachable...I'm not trying to lose 75lbs by March or build a new house. My goals are simple yet rewarding if I choose to follow through. Wish me luck!
5. Freezer Meals- well after reading about it & doing some research I decided to try freezer meals. My neighbor & I went shopping on Saturday & then made everything on Sunday. LOVE IT!! Now you have to understand that I HATE cooking...everything about it minus the eating I can't stand. So this was a big task for me & considering we worked on it from 1-6:30 that is a long time in the kitchen for me. Between the two of us we spent around $160 total & made 36 meals (18 a piece). I must tell you that both of us have our own beef so we are lucky & don't have to purchase that from the store, and we had several of the spices & canned goods listed in our pantries so that took away a little bit of cost. But overall $80 a person wasn't bad for 18 meals. So far I have had 5 of the recipes & there was only 1 that we didn't like as a family. The other nice thing is leftovers:) Now my son is 2 & really picky he doesn't eat a lot, but even if he ate a normal serving there would still be some left over!
6. Outreach- I am currently working on the outreach committee at our church. I have never been on a committee at church & hope that I am able to bring new ideas to the group. I am in the process of putting together a women's outreach day & I am very excited about this event.
7. 365- I recently, well minus 2 pages, completed my son's entire 1st year in a scrapbook. Before he was born my mom had seen several blogs with 365 days of....... She told me I should do this for my son, take a picture & journal every day of his first year. Now do I have a picture from every day NO, do I have journaling from every day NO. But I do have something from every day. It was difficult especially with it being my first child & being totally exhausted. But I made it work & I am happy that I did it. Now when my son is 25 is he going to care that I did it, maybe, maybe not. But hopefully his wife, or children will enjoy it:)
Well, that's all I have for now. I'm excited for a new year & new blogs!
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