HALLELUJAH!!! My son slept from 7:15pm to 6:45am, that is amazing. Now let me just say that when my son was a baby he was a pretty good sleeper, well at least through the night. However, the last few months we have had a roller coaster of nights. He will sleep good for two nights & then be up 2 or 3 times the next few nights. I know some of you are thinking, well make your husband get up with him. He does, or at least he tries. Typically if my husband gets up with him he continues screaming for me...so I end up getting up anyway. (Daddy always puts to bed & Mommy lays with him if he has a bad dream) So let's just say that last night was an amazing gift to me. I should have known that God was giving me a good night sleep to prepare me for the morning. Our morning started out good, but then once we got in the car it was GAME OVER!! My son is wonderful & I love him SOOOO much, but every mom out there understands when I say I couldn't get to the babysitters house fast enough.
We have also been dealing with what I like to call the "talking version" of colic. When my son was little he had colic & it lasted for a few months, every night from 5-7 he would cry & there would be no consoling him. (Just so you know my mom says I was the same way so I guess it was my payback) Lucky for us that stage was over pretty quickly, but now I think its back. The last few weeks our evenings have been a little rough, & by rough I mean screaming crying tantrums. I know this is a "stage" & it will be over soon. By the way I absolutely HATE when people use that line. Unfortunately it is true & it will pass, so to all of you mother's with not perfect children hang in there:)
I am very blessed though to have an Awesome Husband & Amazing Family who know when I am getting overwhelmed & they will step in & save the day. So tonight my son gets a little "father son" time & I get to enjoy a nice meal out with my momma & my sister. So until next time Happy Parenting!!
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