Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Several months back I felt like I needed to reconnect with an old friend & create some better friendships with a couple fellow moms from my church.  So I decided to start our "mom group".  My thought was the 4 of us could get together once a month, no children or husbands, & have girl time.  I wanted the group to just be us because 1. it's easier to plan around 4 people  than a lot of people & 2. I wanted it to be more personal.  The girls loved the idea, however wanted to invite some other moms.  My initial reaction was (and you can read this in a very pouty childish voice) "that's not what I wanted".  Well I didn't say that but in my head that was my thought.  So we invited another girl & our first meeting was at my house.  It was so much fun we laughed, talked, & of course fed our faces:)  Since then we have continued to grow in number & I must say I am SO glad we have.  Although scheduling a get together is a little more difficult overall we do pretty well setting a time to get together.  As MOMS we all understand how important it is for us to have a break from the everyday chaos & enjoy ourselves.  (the best part is there is no calorie counting)

*Now I typed all of that 1st part on Friday knowing that Sunday we were having a MOM group night with our children & I wanted to post pictures along with it. 

Sunday we planned to have a "Thankful Dinner" with all of us as well as all our children.  (17 of them to be exact ranging from 10 years old to in the womb:)  Anyway I was very excited & couldn't wait for this chaotic dinner to begin.  However, my son had other ideas, and after an issue with hitting and a complete meltdown we left.  I can honestly say that I cried the entire way home.  There have been a few times in my son's 2 years of life that I have found myself crying my eyes out.  Large part due to exhaustion but also just feeling confused, angry, upset, & just having that feeling of failing as a mom.  I know that we are hardest on ourselves & that we strive to be the best moms that we can be.  I also know that every mom has made mistakes raising their children & there is no one out there that is perfect.  (My mind knows these things, but at that moment my emotions are telling me different) 

*This is where the story takes a happy turn:)

Me being me I immediatley called my momma.  She of course gave me great advice but more importantly hugged me when I needed it the most.  Later that night though, my sister, sister in law, & friend (all part of mom's group) contacted me.  My sister texted me & called, my sister-in-law brought me all of my stuff that I left there as well as a yummy plate of food, & my friend called later to check on me.  Now at the time I was still pretty emotional (side note: I do not get emotional in front of very many people & definatley don't like others to see me cry) so I wasn't the most talkative.  However, I am very grateful for each & every one of those girls because their kind words meant alot to me. 

So for anyone out there who has ever thought about starting a "Mom's Group", DO IT!!  You won't regret it:)    

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