Oh the joys of potty training:( My son will be 2 1/2 on Christmas & I would love for him to be potty trained before his 3rd birthday. Now I have worked with young children for several years & many of them in a daycare setting where we worked on potty training...I KNOW THIS IS NOT EASY!! So my son started showing interest around Easter, actually he stayed dry all morning & went to the potty several times. My first thought was "wow this is great he will be potty trained in no time". WRONG! We started a potty chart & I gave him a sticker to put on his chart every time he went potty, a little sticker for #1 & a big sticker for #2. He enjoyed the sticker part & most of the time would go when I asked him, but he would never tell me he had to go & would never go #2 on the potty. My brother then gave me my nephew's potty chair to use & hopefully help with the process. Now let me just state that I don't like potty chairs. I actually have a couple of reasons for not liking them: 1. you don't have that luxury when you go out or to other people's homes & 2. I hate cleaning them. Well I got over my hatred because I thought maybe since it was smaller he would sit on it & go #2. WRONG AGAIN! He will sit on it but no #2 is coming out of that child unless he has a diaper on. After a while he stopped showing interest all together & would throw a fit if I asked him to go, so I stopped. (Every mother I have ever talked to said they will do it when they are ready, don't force it) This past month he has shown interest again so we have started it up again. Over Thanksgiving break we worked on it & he did really well, still no #2, & he wasn't telling me when he had to go, but was staying dry most of the day. (granted, we were going potty every 20 minutes) So now that the weekend is approaching & we don't have any plans I am ready for round 2. (DING DING) Wish me luck & any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to wish my child to grow up any faster than he already is, but being out of diapers would be a welcome change. So stay tuned for next week's blog & hopefully I will have begun the potty training successful journey:)
Have a great weekend!
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