Friday, April 26, 2013


Do you ever just get tired of emotions?  WAIT..if there are any men reading this blog I apologize in advance this a true post aimed towards women, sorry!

Okay, back to my original question as a woman/mother/wife/friend/coworker/employee/daughter/sister/aunt the list goes on & on are you ever just tired of all the emotions?  Last night I had zumba, I love that class!  I absolutely love to dance & since this incorporates "exercise" it makes it even better.  However, I left the class & went to pick up a pizza (NOT FOR ME, for my hubby) and it wasn't ready.  Now I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually don't have an issue with waiting.  But the girl was moving SOOOO slow & when I asked about our pizza she said it was their "rush time" so it would be a few minutes.  Perhaps if she had been moving a little quicker to get things done I wouldn't have been so irritated.  Needless to say I displayed my frustration & left in hopes that I could go home & my husband would come back into town & get the pizza. 

My husband who never misses an opportunity to get out & "drive around" looking for wildlife decided I could just wait around in town for it, he would stay home.  REALLY!!! I just wanted to go home & shower.  Anyway I got the pizza, which I was proud of myself, I did not eat 1 piece.  But on the way home I cried, I was listening to our Christian radio station & the song "Glorious Day" came on. (I think that is the title, lyrics are "one day He's coming, oh glorious day")  Why did I cry??? I have no idea.  I was tired, stressed, anxious, happy, sad, you name it I was pretty much feeling it. 

I could list all the woes of my life right now & some people would read them & think well my problems aren't too bad & others would think girl, I would love to have those problems versus the ones I have.  I know that I am very blessed & very lucky to have the life I have.  Sometimes though a lot of little things accumulate into one big thing & it's exhausting.  However, I am trying to get better at not "worrying" but instead having "faith" that God has a plan & knows exactly what I am suppose to be doing.  A quote I read somewhere says "worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but you don't go anywhere".  My mom is a "reformed" worrier (she still struggles but has made huge progress) she always tells me that was a trait she wishes she hadn't passed on to me.  I think as a mother though once a child has part of your heart whether through birth or adoption you inherit some extra cells in your body called the "worry cells". 

I know God has a plan & will make sure that I am provided for, but sometimes it's hard to have faith and not worry about that (especially if you are like me & need to be in control).  I think that pretty much wraps my emotional ramble.  Sorry for any & all who have read this & are confused.  Sometimes though you just have to vent.  As I'm typing I am asking myself another question "have I prayed about it as much as I've talked about it".  I would love to say yes, but I know & God knows that probably isn't very accurate.  So off I go for a little prayer time. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally get it. I worry so, so much. I just can't help myself. And yes I do get ridiculously emotional over little things. You aren't alone.
