Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Liebster Award

Hello everyone,

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award from Samantha @ www.24to30.com  I learned that the Liebster Award is to honor up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers, and to pay it forward. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Sam, I really appreciate it!   Be sure to check out her blog..I absolutely LOVE IT!

The rules are:
  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the nominator(s) asked.
  3. You (the nominee) come up with 11 new nominees (no tag backs) and 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Nominees should have less than 200 followers and should link back to you on their Liebster blog post.
  5. Lastly, be sure to actually let the nominees know they've been nominated.
11 Random facts about me:
1. I have crazy long toes that i can pick stuff up with.  (for all you people grossed out by feet, I apologize)
2. As much as I love shoes, I would rather go barefoot.
3. As a child I liked to eat cold hot dogs...the thought of that now makes me cringe.
4. I love dogs more than cats, but I have to be able to wash my hands immediately after petting them.
5. When I drink milk I have to drink it fast because I have a weird thought that the milk is going to go bad.  PS: it also has to be really cold, several occasions I have put ice in my glass
6. I cannot stand it when people cheat!
7. I love watching reality shows like Teen Mom & Mob Wives, but cannot stand the Bachelor.
8. I come across like I don't care, but in reality I care way too much about what others think of me.
9. I am a photo/scrapbook junkie, I long for the day I have a beautiful, organized room like the ones on Pinterest.  Right now my room likes a scrapbooking tornado came through.
10. I am a BUDGET freak!  Or in my husbands words "a tightwad"  I hate paying full price for anything.
11. I have handwriting like a 7 year old boy.  (it's bad people, really bad)

11 Questions from Sam:

1. What is your favorite book or movie? Movie-would be a tie between Grease & Annie.  Book-probably anything by Jodi Piccoult.

2. What is your favorite winter activity? Sledding

3. What was your first car? a 1992 Cutlass Supreme.  Side note: when I went to get my license I  fell on a spot check day & I had to take a road test:( Luckily I passed!!

4. What is one thing you could eat every day and not get tired of? Popcorn, for a while I was eating it everyday.  I will eat the microwavable kind, but I prefer to pop my own on the stove:)

5. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or the Ferris wheel? Roller coaster

6. What is your least favorite household task? Putting laundry away

7. What's one clothing item or accessory you couldn't live without? A good bra

8. Do you have any pets? yes a house cat named ROXY

9. Do you prefer high heels or flip flops? flip flops

10. What is one household possession that you couldn't live without? My camera

11. What was your favorite vacation ever? Probably going to Hawaii

New Nominees: (The rules at the top say 11, but I don't really follow 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers, so I'm choosing 7 blogs that I really enjoy - please go check out their blogs!)

A blog of my own
Mommy I'm Done
Harrison Highlights
Just a Normal Mom
Life as Lindsay
The Freeman Family
Unsweetened Coco

Questions for new nominees:
1. What is your favorite season & why?
2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
3. How do you sleep? (back, belly, head under covers)
4. When was your first kiss?
5. What is your favorite animal?
6. Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jump?
7. Biggest fear?
8. Best life lesson you have learned thus far?
9. Describe your best friend in 5 words or less-
10. Favorite board game?
11. If you could go anyplace in the world where would you go?

Friday, January 25, 2013

1st Step

Okay, so if you read my post after the first of the year you know that one of my goals is weight loss.  Same goal every year & usually the same result:(  Well I recently found a 10 week workout program.  Before I tell you about it I need to fill you in on a few things. 

1. I don't have the extra $ to pay for a gym membership. 
2. We don't have workout equipment at my house. 
 3. I HATE running...I get side cramps, my chest is larger so we (well those with larger chests) understand how miserable that can be. 
4. I dislike getting up any earlier than I have to. 

So with all that being said I found a 10 week program that doesn't involve weights/equipment & I can do everything from my house.  I also happened to look at the calendar & if I start on Sunday my 10 weeks will be up the same week as my 29th birthday.  What could be better than fitting into smaller clothes on my birthday.  I will say this workout incorporates running, and I am kinda nervous about not following through on that, it is still really cold in IL.  Considering that I don't like to run anyway, running in the cold is not really on the top of my "things I like to do" list. 

BUT!  One of my goals/hopes with this blog was that I would feel more accountable.  So starting Sunday I am beginning my 10 week program.  My plan is to post at the end of every week my progress.  I will also be sure to post the routine as well.  (you can also go to pinterest & search 10 week workout)  I am going to try & eat better & watch my portion size, but I am going to enjoy life so if I want some ice cream....I will be eating ice cream.  Wish me luck & please call me out if I haven't posted about the workout or try to give a lame reason for stopping.

God Bless!   

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Sometimes I am completely & utterly overwhelmed with life.  I'm pretty sure that everyone can say they have felt that way at least once.  Now, I have been overwhelmed to the point that I am on the verge of a panic attack (luckily that has only happened once).  But generally speaking sometimes you just feel overwhelmed.  I have my husband, my son, my family, work, church, the house, bills, projects, friendships...the list goes on & on.  I have really tried, these last few years especially, to not "worry my life away".  I am a worrier by nature, and I like to know that things are going to be okay.  Well sometimes you just have to have a little FAITH!!  I know that prayer works & I know that God will provide for me & never give me more than I can handle.  (sometimes God has a sense of humor though, I don't always find it funny) Anyway, I have really been focusing on praying that God will take care of the situation, it may not be what I want, but if it is God's plan then I know it will be okay.  So that being said, there have been a couple different things that have happened this past month that just rejuvenate my faith.  It is so comforting to know that these things were taken care of because of God, not because I worried & stressed over them.  I know that in tough situations it is hard to see the good, & also be able to even think that things will be okay.  BUT a little faith can go a long way.  So happy prayers everyone!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christmas project

I posted a while back that I was working on a project for my cousin.  Well since I was finally able to get pictures posted..here is the finished project!  Countdown to Christmas!
This was an idea I got off of Pinterest.  I took 2 12x12 sheets of cardstock & put some thin cardboard behind them to help make them more sturdy.  I cut several little squares & tags.  On each tag there was something to do that day.  The site from Pinterest had several ideas.  I typed them all up & printed them on mailing labels.  So much fun making this & I know that my cousin's really enjoyed pulling a tag & seeing what new thing they got to do:) 


Thursday, January 10, 2013

What a difference a month makes

So it has been a month since my last post & I feel terrible that it has been this long but a lot has gone on.  I will apologize in advance for the craziness of this post & the random subjects that may occur..but waiting a month between posts will do that to you.

1. Sandy Hook- I was at work & happened to look at the Yahoo news link & began to watch this tragedy unfold on the news.  Now I am only 28 but there have been several tragedies that I have seen on the news & remember vividly....9-11, Katrina, Columbine, Oklahoma City, those are just a few that come to mind.  For some reason though this one really seemed to hit a place in my heart.  I was brought to tears sitting at my desk just wanting to leave & go get my 2 1/2 year old son from the sitter.  Now I have always felt sadness for all the people/families involved in all of the tragedies that have occurred during my lifetime.  I think since I now have a child I see things a different way.  I read several blogs that spoke on the Sandy Hook tragedy, eventually though I couldn't even watch the news.  I pray that those families are able to find some peace.  May God bless those children, teachers, staff, & all the families involved.

2. Christmas- My son LOVED Christmas this year.  He had so much fun opening presents & the look of excitement on his face was priceless:) Now needless to say my son got more toys than he really needs, and as much as he loved his new train table from his Nana & Papa, he was also very excited for the box of Raisenets that Santa left in his stocking.

3. POTTY TRAINING- So excited to announce that we are now in underwear (minus naps & bedtime) The last 4 days we have only had 3 accidents!!!  Now he still isn't really telling me when he has to go potty, but he goes when I tell him to.  He is however telling me when he has to go #2 which is a really big deal for me because who enjoys changing poopy diapers..NOT ME!

4. New Years- Well my husband & I being the crazy party animals we are stayed up until 8:30!!  I did set some goals for myself & my family.  We will see how these work out, but I feel all my goals are reachable...I'm not trying to lose 75lbs by March or build a new house.  My goals are simple yet rewarding if I choose to follow through.  Wish me luck!   

5. Freezer Meals- well after reading about it & doing some research I decided to try freezer meals.  My neighbor & I went shopping on Saturday & then made everything on Sunday.  LOVE IT!!  Now you have to understand that I HATE cooking...everything about it minus the eating I can't stand.  So this was a big task for me & considering we worked on it from 1-6:30 that is a long time in the kitchen for me.  Between the two of us we spent around $160 total & made 36 meals (18 a piece).  I must tell you that both of us have our own beef so we are lucky & don't have to purchase that from the store, and we had several of the spices & canned goods listed in our pantries so that took away a little bit of cost.  But overall $80 a person wasn't bad for 18 meals.  So far I have had 5 of the recipes & there was only 1 that we didn't like as a family.  The other nice thing is leftovers:) Now my son is 2 & really picky he doesn't eat a lot, but even if he ate a normal serving there would still be some left over!    

6. Outreach- I am currently working on the outreach committee at our church.  I have never been on a committee at church & hope that I am able to bring new ideas to the group.  I am in the process of putting together a women's outreach day & I am very excited about this event. 

7. 365- I recently, well minus 2 pages, completed my son's entire 1st year in a scrapbook.  Before he was born my mom had seen several blogs with 365 days of....... She told me I should do this for my son, take a picture & journal every day of his first year.  Now do I have a picture from every day NO, do I have journaling from every day NO.  But I do have something from every day.  It was difficult especially with it being my first child & being totally exhausted.  But I made it work & I am happy that I did it.  Now when my son is 25 is he going to care that I did it, maybe, maybe not.  But hopefully his wife, or children will enjoy it:)

Well, that's all I have for now.  I'm excited for a new year & new blogs!