Friday, January 25, 2013

1st Step

Okay, so if you read my post after the first of the year you know that one of my goals is weight loss.  Same goal every year & usually the same result:(  Well I recently found a 10 week workout program.  Before I tell you about it I need to fill you in on a few things. 

1. I don't have the extra $ to pay for a gym membership. 
2. We don't have workout equipment at my house. 
 3. I HATE running...I get side cramps, my chest is larger so we (well those with larger chests) understand how miserable that can be. 
4. I dislike getting up any earlier than I have to. 

So with all that being said I found a 10 week program that doesn't involve weights/equipment & I can do everything from my house.  I also happened to look at the calendar & if I start on Sunday my 10 weeks will be up the same week as my 29th birthday.  What could be better than fitting into smaller clothes on my birthday.  I will say this workout incorporates running, and I am kinda nervous about not following through on that, it is still really cold in IL.  Considering that I don't like to run anyway, running in the cold is not really on the top of my "things I like to do" list. 

BUT!  One of my goals/hopes with this blog was that I would feel more accountable.  So starting Sunday I am beginning my 10 week program.  My plan is to post at the end of every week my progress.  I will also be sure to post the routine as well.  (you can also go to pinterest & search 10 week workout)  I am going to try & eat better & watch my portion size, but I am going to enjoy life so if I want some ice cream....I will be eating ice cream.  Wish me luck & please call me out if I haven't posted about the workout or try to give a lame reason for stopping.

God Bless!   


  1. Good for you! That's awesome! I nominated you for the Liebstar award - my post with the details is here:

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you so much!! I am in the process of filling it all out & getting it posted. I never knew that 11 facts about myself would be so difficult:)
