Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Sometimes I am completely & utterly overwhelmed with life.  I'm pretty sure that everyone can say they have felt that way at least once.  Now, I have been overwhelmed to the point that I am on the verge of a panic attack (luckily that has only happened once).  But generally speaking sometimes you just feel overwhelmed.  I have my husband, my son, my family, work, church, the house, bills, projects, friendships...the list goes on & on.  I have really tried, these last few years especially, to not "worry my life away".  I am a worrier by nature, and I like to know that things are going to be okay.  Well sometimes you just have to have a little FAITH!!  I know that prayer works & I know that God will provide for me & never give me more than I can handle.  (sometimes God has a sense of humor though, I don't always find it funny) Anyway, I have really been focusing on praying that God will take care of the situation, it may not be what I want, but if it is God's plan then I know it will be okay.  So that being said, there have been a couple different things that have happened this past month that just rejuvenate my faith.  It is so comforting to know that these things were taken care of because of God, not because I worried & stressed over them.  I know that in tough situations it is hard to see the good, & also be able to even think that things will be okay.  BUT a little faith can go a long way.  So happy prayers everyone!!

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